Got the dreaded E7 error on Mother's day

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Still. Though would like to know on what planet. When I priced them they were over $4k. In any case anything over $900 is already crazy rich for my blood. I am frugal. Hell, back in August 2020 we bought our first brand new car since 1987! Not because we couldn't but because I watch my coin. So given that. I likely won't buy another new car until 2050. Of course I'll be driving it around with Jesus :D
Jesus take the wheel! You would be driving around with your blinker on!
Still. Though would like to know on what planet. When I priced them they were over $4k. In any case anything over $900 is already crazy rich for my blood. I am frugal. Hell, back in August 2020 we bought our first brand new car since 1987! Not because we couldn't but because I watch my coin. So given that. I likely won't buy another new car until 2050. Of course I'll be driving it around with Jesus


So sick!!!
Almost $500 to ship and of course the added 49ers logo brings it to about $3500. Maybe one day.
Yeah I'm sure they're a "bargain" for what they are. But no matter what, that kind of "coin" is not something simply floating around my pocket doing nothing. The transportation alone cost almost what the Big Z cost. Sorry no matter how good it is, I cannot justify the cost. For now the ones I have operate flawlessly and do a great job.
Yeah I'm sure they're a "bargain" for what they are. But no matter what, that kind of "coin" is not something simply floating around my pocket doing nothing. The transportation alone cost almost what the Big Z cost. Sorry no matter how good it is, I cannot justify the cost. For now the ones I have operate flawlessly and do a great job.
The thing for me is once you get to a certain price range you may as well get something that is built and pony up and stop playing with underbuilt overpriced throw aways. The commercial brand pellets aren't even in the same ball park yet the prices are getting higher. Like you I'm fine with my 2 WSMs, but if I was to start throwing $1,200 $1,600 or more for a pellet I'm gonna look for something like the LSG instead. 100% USA built is worth it to me alone. I go out of my way to buy American or other than China made anything. My last purchase I paid more, but got a 100% made in America USA flag. Not only made in, but also everything is sourced in the USA. Here's the link if anyone is interested.

I have a ton of sources I buy from that are USA made and I'll gladly pay a little more for them. Just how I was raised and how my beliefs run. Its just too convenient for people to say everything is made in China. Only if you don't care or don't look. This isn't directly directed at anyone. Just sharing my view.
It’s definitely a bonus to live close enough to a grill manufacturer to pick up local.
Yep, and they're starting to pop up everywhere. No doubt if you live in certain states you get a ton more options, and cheaper if you can pick it up. You can also team up with multiple people and find a truck co. that may cut a deal on shipping costs.
I feel much the same way. Sadly actual US made stuff has grown in price by so very much. Not many folks can afford it. Count me in that group. Well can afford but can't "justify" when so many other things need those dollars. Sadly companies here, are more concerned with making their board of directors happy than building and making good product here in the US. Hell look at Weber. They really don't "make" anything here. In the true sense of the word "make". Just saw a road test on some new high end Lincoln Made in China! Or they make in Mexico. Hell, go in a grocery store, try to find something grown and produced here. The richest ag country in the world and you buy garlic and it's from China, or try to find fruit and veg not from Mexico or what have you.
I don't have the answers.
The thing for me is once you get to a certain price range you may as well get something that is built and pony up and stop playing with underbuilt overpriced throw aways. The commercial brand pellets aren't even in the same ball park yet the prices are getting higher. Like you I'm fine with my 2 WSMs, but if I was to start throwing $1,200 $1,600 or more for a pellet I'm gonna look for something like the LSG instead. 100% USA built is worth it to me alone. I go out of my way to buy American or other than China made anything. My last purchase I paid more, but got a 100% made in America USA flag. Not only made in, but also everything is sourced in the USA. Here's the link if anyone is interested.

I have a ton of sources I buy from that are USA made and I'll gladly pay a little more for them. Just how I was raised and how my beliefs run. Its just too convenient for people to say everything is made in China. Only if you don't care or don't look. This isn't directly directed at anyone. Just sharing my view.
Excellent, just ordered a new flag.
I feel much the same way. Sadly actual US made stuff has grown in price by so very much. Not many folks can afford it. Count me in that group. Well can afford but can't "justify" when so many other things need those dollars. Sadly companies here, are more concerned with making their board of directors happy than building and making good product here in the US. Hell look at Weber. They really don't "make" anything here. In the true sense of the word "make". Just saw a road test on some new high end Lincoln Made in China! Or they make in Mexico. Hell, go in a grocery store, try to find something grown and produced here. The richest ag country in the world and you buy garlic and it's from China, or try to find fruit and veg not from Mexico or what have you.
I don't have the answers.
Yep, it’s up to the buyer to justify the purchase.
So we want a grill that has cheap knockoff parts available on Amazon. Got it.

Glad I don’t have one of those.
Guess what I have one of those so called cheap pellet grills $350 Camp Chef. And over 200 + cooks with zero failures.
Maybe not as sophisticated as a Smokefire and I won't argue there may be some differences in the smoke flavor, but I'll take reliability over constant failure anytime.
As far as parts go, I can't say, after almost five years I haven't needed anything.
I feel much the same way. Sadly actual US made stuff has grown in price by so very much. Not many folks can afford it. Count me in that group. Well can afford but can't "justify" when so many other things need those dollars. Sadly companies here, are more concerned with making their board of directors happy than building and making good product here in the US. Hell look at Weber. They really don't "make" anything here. In the true sense of the word "make". Just saw a road test on some new high end Lincoln Made in China! Or they make in Mexico. Hell, go in a grocery store, try to find something grown and produced here. The richest ag country in the world and you buy garlic and it's from China, or try to find fruit and veg not from Mexico or what have you.
I don't have the answers.
Grow a garden LOL!! I get what you're saying. I actually look at where items are grown and its USA or go to the next store or do without. Change of dinner plans. Farmers markets also help in certian times of the Year. Some items that are known from certain parts of the world I have no issues with. Avocados for instance or Cocca.

Unfortunately and I'm not trying to be rude or mean, but many can afford they just would rather not justify and that's why it will only get worse. Many that did care don't and many of the throw away generation never cared nor will they ever care. Weber is just one of many that have fallen and for no good reason. They are asking more and more for cheaper and cheaper products with virtually no competition. This is simply corporate greed much like many other avenues of life. It's price gouging just because they can and they know people will still buy China. I don’t buy for 1 second Weber couldn't compete keeping everything in the USA. I can guarantee once my Weber products I have had go down I won't be getting more. The quality is simply gone now. Just one more sad item to add to the list of many.
Excellent, just ordered a new flag.
I have 3. I have another that they didn't carry and they lined my up with another company. Once they introduce what I bought I will definitely order from them next time. It was a state flag for Iowa with 29 stars. Its a young company and they'll be expanding items in the not so distant future.
Like Clint says "A man has to know his limitations". In this case, "priorities". But, if I were to fall into a whopper of a deal for something like an LSG bet your bottom dollar I'd jump on it. For now you're pretty much preaching to the choir. I simply try to find the best "tool" I can for the job at hand at the pricing that makes sense for my finances based on the current time. If that tool comes from Japan (my only buying Toyotas) then that is where it comes from, if it comes from here, then know it will come from here, etc.
I still say the major issue still comes from corporations answering to a board of directors more than morals. As IDC how it's sliced, I still cannot see how, it's cheaper to produce a very large and very heavy thing like a smoker and ship it and it still not be able to be made locally for less.
Sadly it is what it is. I truly try but there is only so much. But rest assured every purchase I make is CAREFULLY weighed out and it is not always the cheapest thing. It's the best thing when weighed, against $$$, need, projected longevity, and overall value.
And with that, I'm done with this as I am tired of the accusatory tone of this thread.
Boy this thread has really taken a turn....

Funny thing is the Smokefire was at least assembled in the US. Yes with some foreign made parts but the new Searwood is now 100% made in China.

As far as buying everything American made, I try to but I have spending limits. I also live in Minnesota so I cannot grow vegetables most of the year. Nor can I grow citrus fruits. Most of the produce I buy is from the US but off-season it definitely comes from Mexico or further south.

Having worked in corporate finance for 20 years- specifically on the cost side for a variety of manufacturers, I can tell you that most publicly traded companies hate paying for labor and looking for ways to reduce it is very high on their list. So they move production elsewhere or add automation.

You have to be an absolute all-star employee to get much over a 3% raise. As a manager I get an allotted amount to disperse to my team annually. It always magically ends up being about 3% per employee. Even if you get promoted you're lucky to get a 10% increase in pay. Sadly that means to get any meaningful pay bump you have to leave for another company.

And don't get me started on inflation. The company I work for is directly responsible for your food costs going up. We got a lot of pricing concessions from our customers. However, everyone (food manufacturers) seems to now realize the consumer has no more appetite for these high costs so you will likely see prices start to come down.
@Derrick H, @POnsholm touched on something worthwhile on post #35. Have you performed some investigative work to see if the error code could be a symptom of another issue that you might be able to resolve on your own without purchasing a motor?

Guess what I have one of those so called cheap pellet grills $350 Camp Chef. And over 200 + cooks with zero failures.
Maybe not as sophisticated as a Smokefire and I won't argue there may be some differences in the smoke flavor, but I'll take reliability over constant failure anytime.
As far as parts go, I can't say, after almost five years I haven't needed anything.
Ok. And I’ll take great quality and no failures over cheap junk.

Okay you win, I say that because Chris has told us to behave and no personnel digs, so I don't want to upset him again.
With That It's
Hasty Bananas, got a couple of chickens to cook on my trusty rusty Camp Chef which is much more important than this.
He is a legend only in his own mind. It is sad that anyone would disrespect you.

All of our members could isolate him--not by putting him on ignore--but by not replying nor reacting to his posts.
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