Got my grilling buddy back...



So our 11 month old boxer ZuZu got sick about 2 weeks ago. Stopped eating or drinking. Over the next week and a half we had 5 different vet/hospital visits, every med you can think of, and lots of lost sleep and tears. She had swallowed an entire bladder squeeze noise maker out of a dog toy and it lodged in her intestines. After 3 hours of surgery and about $10k in total vet bills, she's on the road to recovery. Oh, and a couple of donuts of shame. Lol



Tonight she got to hang with me while I grilled for the first time since she got sick.


Living in coastal Georgia now, I'm still trying to get used to having so much fresh seafood available. Tonight was mahi mahi and tilapia cooked indirect on the Char Q. Wife made rice and a nice strawberry, pecan, feta salad. I also grilled some asparagus.

I'm not as confident cooking fish yet so just doing simple salt, pepper, and lemon squeeze. But, I'm going to do a Korean style glaze that I've done before next time I do fish.




Cooked until the mahi mahi was 140 internal. Came out pretty well. But, mostly glad to have our ZuZu back on the way to health.
Mike, that is fantastic news on ZuZu. It's worth every **** penny. Been there. This makes me really happy. 👍

Oh...solid cook, too. But ZuZu steals that show every time.
Yeah, I never thought I'd spend that kind of money but when faced with it I spent it without hesitation. In fact I became very thankful we had the ability to. Not everyone does and they have to make much more difficult decisions. It made me sad to think about it. Not one regret about it.
Yeah, I never thought I'd spend that kind of money but when faced with it I spent it without hesitation. In fact I became very thankful we had the ability to. Not everyone does and they have to make much more difficult decisions. It made me sad to think about it. Not one regret about it.
No doubt. We went through something similar years ago. Now we get pet insurance.

