Good candidate for a refurb?


Eric W. B

New member
Hi everybody, I've been looking around for a few months for an older Genesis and haven't had much luck finding any around me. I had Craigslist alerts set up but nothing seemed to come up for sale

Today I found this one posted up, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on how good it would be to refurb?

It seems pretty rough, kept outside I'm guessing without a cover.
I checked all the pinned posts and how-to's here but I guess until I see it in person I won't know if it's worth picking up.

There are some newer ones around in better shape but the wooden slats and handle appeal to me more than the plastic ones.

What are the big things to look out for? I read the post about rust between the firebox and frame, anything else to look out for? If there is corrosion, is it the end of the world or can the grill still be salvaged with some steel wool and paint?
Hard to tell with just that one pic...are you able to ask the poster if they can send more? If there is minimal rust on the frame then I'd say it's a good candidate.
As it appears to be a 2000 that has the 2 rows of flavorizer bars, I'd check to see if the existing bars are porcelain coated or stainless.

If they are porcelain, you're more than likely looking at having to buy new ones. If they are stainless, you may be able to reuse them (I've been pleasantly surprised by the OEM Weber stainless ones as I've been able to salvage at least 2 complete sets from parts grills).

Also, if you buy it, it comes with the rare discontinued rotisserie bracket. :)

Lastly, that's $50 in Canadian dollars, right? That's not too bad, especially with the red lid.
It does look to be intact. I didn't see any mention of a rotisserie with it. But, I do see the roto motor bracket on it. If it has a rotisserie with it, then that helps a lot. If it comes with a working roto, jump on it. You may need to redo the wood all around. I have not seen one yet that didn't need replacing but that one looks pretty darn good for wood. Maybe just some sanding and refinishing is all it would take. If you are really interested in that grill, I would offer $30 and see what he says. It has already been up for two days.

Something to look out for is rust on the frame along the left side of the cook box where it bolts to the cookbox. That is not an easy fix. Some surface rust is OK, but if you see a lot of rust on the top of the frame crossmember, it will likely have a hole in the crossmember where it buts up against the cookbox around the bolt hole.
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Yes that's $50 CAD. I asked for more pics and he just sent this one


I'll make sure to check out the flavorizer bars, thanks for the heads up. Hoping I can go check it out and maybe pick it up this weekend
The frame looks good in that picture where the bolt goes through to the cook box. :)
Yah, I'd say go for it. You have been searching for a few months now and this could be your chance.
$37.xx USD ? That's a steal just for the red lid. It looks like it has all the hardware for the flip up table. Side table and bottom wood inserts are all there (including Z brackets). Ummmm, HELL YES it's a good candidate for a restore ! $100 or so and some elbow grease and you'll have a stupidly nice grill that will last for another 20 years. (One caveat is possible frame rust, but even that can be dealt with easily enough now a days.)
Haha, good to hear. Should be able to fit in the back of a 4dr Wrangler right? Or should I bring along some tools to take it apart a bit?
Haha, good to hear. Should be able to fit in the back of a 4dr Wrangler right? Or should I bring along some tools to take it apart a bit?

It should probably fit, especially if you are running topless. The lid is held on with two clevis pins. They usually come out pretty easily, but have been known to freeze up. You might want to bring some Pblaster, a hammer and a punch. Maybe a pair of pliers as well. If you have to hammer and punch, do so firmly but carefully. The cast aluminum hinges can shatter if you aren't careful. Also bring a 7/16th wrench or ratchet/socket. Or an adjustable wrench.

Couple of things that just came to mind. Obviously, you'll want to fire it up and check to see that the manifold/valves/burners are functioning. Don't worry if the burner tubes are shot/cracked and kicking out bad flame patterns. You really just want to make sure that the valves turn, that gas flows through the manifold to them and out to the burners. If the burner tubes are in good shape, that's a bonus.

You can check the cross member to the left of the firebox for rust. Not a big problem even if rusted through (presuming you are somewhat handy).
I posted a reply and went to edit it and it got deleted, oh well.

I won't retype everything but I picked up the grill today and I think I got a steal. $40 CAD got me everything including tools and a cover.

Everything looks to be in good condition with the exception of the ignitor, some rust on the bottom shelf frame, and a little chunk missing from the bottom of the firebox.

He said he replaced the grates and flavorizor bars at some point in the past, they seem to be in good condition with the exception of the grates being a bit bent.

Even has a tank scale, wasn't expecting that. He said he lost the rotisserie though, not a big deal.

Nice score. What are your plans for it? Spend a few $ and make a decent
grill out of it, or spend a few more and do a total refurb?
You're going to want to address that frame rust, it's in a structural part of the frame and it would be a shame for such a nice grill to get injured down there in its Achilles Heel. But: Yes, you got a great deal, and you can totally fix that frame. Good luck!



