Going to do first over night Pulled Pork cook

So it appears that with my excitement i forgot to take more pictures. I did not check the meat till it hit the 203 internal temp so i didn't get any pictures in the middle of the cook. Also i forgot to take a picture of it after the pull. The bone did pull right out. So here it is done :)

I was told it was great by everyone. I put the sauce on the side as some people do not like BBQ sauce. I however thought my last one was better tasting. I can do without the bark. I like the color of the bark but i didn't see a need for it. My last cook when i foiled it and added apple juice to the foil pan and my rub spice, and honey added a lot more flavor to it. It was fun to do the overnight cook but i think i know my favorite way of cooking PP will be to foil it after 4 hours.

