Getting Maverick 733 today how do I manage the cables??



My Maverick is "out for delivery" I get it today. The question is how to manage the cables on a Kettle? I have seen pictures of the cables wrapped in foil, and have seen mod's where people have cut the lip of the kettle as to prevent crimping the cables when the lid is shut. I would appreciate any help, thanks.
The only time I've used my Maverick on the kettle was for a turkey. I ran the cables through the top vent hole since that was the shortest route to where they needed to be. The general consensus, though, is to cut a notch. I might do that, but my OTG was a $40 CL score that's already got a dented lid, so I have no qualms about cutting it. If I ever get that new Performer that's been on my mind, I'm not sure I'd be so quick with the Dremel.
I roll mine loosely up. Never get the cable wet, just wash the tips. Corrosion is what kills them. I'm on 2 years with the set I have now.
I have an older kettle with the daisy wheels (not the sweeps) and I'm able to route mine through the daisy wheels to the grate & cooking item. I have a new kettle too, should I decide to keep it (presently no desire to do so) since it has the sweeps at the bottom, I'd probably cut a hole in the side to route the cable(s) through. Heed Tim's advice about care, you can't put them in the dishwasher, nor dunk them under water
Another option is to order a grommet from Maverick or Cajun Bandit also has grommets. Both work well. Works well with those probes. Be careful with the Maverick probes. A lot of us have had to replace them from time to time. Good Luck!
On my kettles, I wrap the portion of the cable with foil that is going to be closed in the lip of the lid. I am more concerned with protecting the cables than having a tight seal. That said, I do very little low and slow with a kettle because of having other other smokers. One thing I have learned is that if I am monitoring meat with a temperature probe using high indirect heat (300+ degrees) on things like tri-tip or pork loins, I cover the exposed portion of the meat probe with foil also. I have found that this leads to less false readings when the Maverick would indicate that I hit my target temp yet the instant read would indicate I will still well under. My theory is that the exposed portion of the probe itself is heating up and it eventually makes it way to the front where the sensor is located giving the false reading. I learned this based on a discussion on another board a couple of years ago and have been doing it ever since.
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On my kettles, I wrap the portion of the cable with foil that is going to be closed in the lip of the lid. I am more concerned with protecting the cables than having a tight seal. That said, I do very little low and slow with a kettle because of having other other smokers. One thing I have learned is that if I am monitoring meat with a temperature probe using high indirect heat (300+ degrees) on things like tri-tip or pork loins, I cover the exposed portion of the meat probe with foil also. I have found that this leads to less false readings when the Maverick would indicate that I hit my target temp yet the instant read would indicate I will still well under. My theory is that the exposed portion of the probe itself is heating up and it eventually makes it way to the front where the sensor is located giving the false reading. I learned with based on a discussion on another board a couple of years ago and have been doing it ever since.

That makes sense. Never thought about the heat transfer from the exposed probe. I think the probes run their ground through the mesh. If you lose that rubber the probes read HHH. I haven't tried metering them in years, though.
I just got a Maverick 733 also. I'm planning to notch my WSM and possibly the Performer. I cooked a turkey in the Performer on Christmas Day and ran the probes through the top vent. That was nearly impossible to manage.
I just got a Maverick 733 also. I'm planning to notch my WSM and possibly the Performer. I cooked a turkey in the Performer on Christmas Day and ran the probes through the top vent. That was nearly impossible to manage.

Here is what I did on the Kettle, just ran the wires between the tool hanger and it didn't crimp the cables at all.
I've been debating over notching my Performer for the cords. I've been spoiled with the probes on my WSM, and it'd be so nice to have them when I'm doing beer can chickens and things where cook times just don't call for the WSM.
I have a maverick 733 and love it. I have never used it on my kettle, I only use for WSM. I put an after market gasket to run a probe. Both of my probes wont fit through the same port. I normally run a probe through the port and hook it to the bottom side of the top grate upside and run the other probe in what ever I am cooking and close the lid on top of the cable. I have never had any issues. It has never hurt my cable and I do not notice any smoke loss on the WSM. I would be careful running a probe through top vent if you remove the lid often.

GGrosss- That looks like a brand new set of cables and probes! Mine like horribly gunked up compared to that!
Another option is to order a grommet from Maverick or Cajun Bandit also has grommets. Both work well. Works well with those probes. Be careful with the Maverick probes. A lot of us have had to replace them from time to time. Good Luck!

I did this with the 22.5 OTG I had after I bought the Copper Performer Platinum last spring, and it works well. I use the OTG for indirect cooks/smoking that require the maverick and use the Performer for everything else.

I've thought about installing a grommet in the Performer but like others here, I just can't bring myself to drill a hole in it.
Just thought of another option if you don't want to notch your performer or drill a hole in it.

If you have the rotisserie ring then just use that and run the cables through either the hole where the spit rod attaches to the motor or the notch on the other side! Of course you wont be able to get a very tight seal that way but if you're doing a high heat cook that really isn't a concern anyway.
Just thought of another option if you don't want to notch your performer or drill a hole in it.

If you have the rotisserie ring then just use that and run the cables through either the hole where the spit rod attaches to the motor or the notch on the other side! Of course you wont be able to get a very tight seal that way but if you're doing a high heat cook that really isn't a concern anyway.

I have a ring. Didn't think to put a grommet in that. :p

I should order a replacement grommet from Weber from their WSM. That'd be perfect.

