With a little work your's too, can look like this:
Wow !!! Like new .
What is that ? Nylon brush on angle grinder ?
With a little work your's too, can look like this:
With a little work your's too, can look like this:
Tried all options - Simple Green, Purple Powder, Fine Steel Wool, Oven cleaner (Easy off), its taking lot of effort, Any magical way to clean this faster. I tried sparying and leaving it for hours as well.
Jeff MA polished the inside of his. He used polishing compound, which is like finer grit than 1000 grit sandpaper. The tool you see is a polisher, used to correct automotive paint. Innovative Jeff! But probably overkill, as the first round of burgers on that grill will ruin all of his efforts ! Still, impressive!
Looks good but whats up with the ignitor button?