Genesis Silver B- Restoration newbie

With a little work your's too, can look like this:



Wow !!! Like new .

What is that ? Nylon brush on angle grinder ?
The inside of the grill is porcelain, so you can basically scrape all that crud off in any way that works best for you. I used heavy steel wool (not a brillo pad, a heavy steel wool scrubbing pad like they have in restaurants). Others use power tools, but the point is there is no paint there. It's porcelain. It's coated in the same material your toilet is made of, so go crazy! You pretty much can't damage it unless you take an angle grinder stone to it. Go nuts, clean it like the bastard it is! Again, I recommend lots of cursing during this process. It helps a lot :)
Jeff MA polished the inside of his. He used polishing compound, which is like finer grit than 1000 grit sandpaper. The tool you see is a polisher, used to correct automotive paint. Innovative Jeff! But probably overkill, as the first round of burgers on that grill will ruin all of his efforts ! Still, impressive!
Tried all options - Simple Green, Purple Powder, Fine Steel Wool, Oven cleaner (Easy off), its taking lot of effort, Any magical way to clean this faster. I tried sparying and leaving it for hours as well.

I used a single edge razor blade, Simple Green,and 000 steel wool.
Takes some time but believe me, it will come off.

I got 20 years worth of crud off mine but it was time consuming.

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Jeff MA polished the inside of his. He used polishing compound, which is like finer grit than 1000 grit sandpaper. The tool you see is a polisher, used to correct automotive paint. Innovative Jeff! But probably overkill, as the first round of burgers on that grill will ruin all of his efforts ! Still, impressive!

Over two months later and cooking at least twice a week on the old Weber and it still looks nice-

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Wow! I had the inside of my lid looking like that from just scrubbing, and it's probably been 3 years now with routine use, and I'll have to clean it again sooner or later. Probably later though, because for some reason I don't mind the crud as much when I know it's "my" crud ...
Thank you everyone for all the help. Here are some pictures after the restore.
Got Weber Burner for 15 USD, also someone was selling porclean flavorizer bars & Grates (brand new) on Craiglist , got those for 20.

Supplies - 30 + 15 (Burner) + 20 (Grates + Flavorizers) + 20 (grill) =85 plus lot of hard work :) .

Painted Sides .Firebox and Frame. There was little rust here /there , all cleaned up and looks new.
Restored the Emblem as well.

Broken Nut , replaced with stainless steel and wing nut

Gets to 500 degrees in less than 10 minutes.
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Nice job on the restore Chiku! Definitely a worthwhile investment of $85 and your time. Should last you for many, many years.

