Genesis Silver A (2006) refurb



New member
I picked up this Genesis Silver A for £5. I did not not expect much and thought if anything it is worth buying it for spare parts.

This is is the 2nd weber I bought within days after picking up a older green Genesis Silver A (2003). Then days later I bought a Spirit E310 (2006) and a 3rd Silver A which is a total rust bucket. However it came with 13kg gas bottle (Hard to find in the UK at the moment) and some serviceable parts including s/s grates.

I drove 50miles to pick this one up. As I said I did not expect much, thought I got myself a bargain until I saw the state it is in. I was not expecting it to be so dirty and in desperate need of a clean.

Welcome, Jake! She may just surprise you at how she cleans up after some elbow grease! If nothing else, you've got some parts (wheels, tables knobs, etc.) that could come in handy for the next one. If your plan is to keep it, I'll bet you can make her into a looker (and a cooker!) :)

Let us know what you find when you really dig into it.

There was a fair bit of rust on the left hands side detachable rails. The rust has pitted through quite badly where the trim fits. I decided not to try and remove the trim and instead use rust encapsulator and try to preserve the rails as best I could. The same issue on the right hand side, although not as bad.

The frame was not too bad, although the plate above the rhs wheels was quite rusted. I thought that worse case, I will just remove the plate as it is not really important.

Unfortunately the swing out table is cracked. This is where my donor Weber will come in handy.

The bottom tray although rusted, is in good condition and will clean up nicely.

This plate is pretty rusty and not as solid as it should be. I decided to leave it intact and treat it with rust encapsulator and see how it turns out.
The inside horror show.

Brace yourselves. I have never seen such a filthy BBQ before. I can see why the guy literally gave it away.

Grates are shot

The pervious owner must have loved fatty food!


16 years of no cleaning!



You can hardly seen the grease pan through that hole!


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Tools used to clean her up.

- Angle Grinder
- Cordless Drill
- Various sized wire brushes
- Excel Safety Scraper and many spare blades
- Various wire brushes to get into all the corners.
- Scotch-Brite pads
- Scotch-Brite "Roloc" surface conditioning disc - Absolutely amazing product. Highly recommended
- Oven cleaner
- Sand paper
- Steelwool 0000
- All Purpose Cleaner / degreaser
- Meguiars trim detailer gold class to bring back to life all the plastic bits.

Paint used
- POR 15 Cleaner / Degreaser
- POR 15 Metal Prep - only on worst of the rusted areas
- Eastwood rust encapsulator
- VHT Rust converted
- Rust-Oleum "Hard Hat" for frames parts not near heat.
- VHT Caliper Paint for top frame sections and end caps
- VHT Flameproof for cook box. This is a matt colour.
- VHT Flameproof Satin Clear for cook box.

If the Rust-Oleum Hight Heat Ultra was available in the UK then I would have used that instead of the VHT paint.
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Lots of elbow grease went into cleaning the box. I did not like it one bit. If I had access to a sand blaster (FOC) then I would go down that route instead.

The tray cleaned up nicely, using APC and scotch-brite pads. As you can see, I deleted the swing out tray and used the trim from my donor cart.

You can see where the rust corroded the metal, this was treated with Eastwood rust encapsulator. On the bottom the near the end trim it is actually rusted through in places. With the rust encapsulator, at least the metal does feels a bit stronger.

Lots of Eastwood rust encapsulator used here. I used the brushed on type. Quite easy to work with.

All gas parts disassembled and cleaned before being painted.

Wheels cleaned as best as I could.
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A quick test to see if the gas is working. I did a soapy water test on the connections. Especially because I took everything apart.

This is the fully open flame. Does it look right to you?
And finally here she is in all her glory.



Grates are repurposed from the green top weber. The brown that you can see is not rust but instead my attempt to season it with vegetable oil. I used a little too much on the first coat.





My attempt to restore the badge.
Cleaned box was by far the most satisfying end result. It was hard work and many times I just wanted to stop and say that is enough cleaning. But then the sight of carbon between tight spaces or corners was so distracting that I had to keep going.

I discovered Scotch-Brite's "Roloc" surface conditioning disc. You get them in course, medium and fine. They also come in several sizes. I bought some 50mm size discs and also adaptors for my drill and angle grinder. These discs are not as aggressive as sanding paper but the course pad clean easier than wire cup brushes.

Roloc Surface Conditioning Disc

Have any of you used these before? I also find that the real Scotch-brite discs are far better durability than the knockoffs.

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I think you did a fantastic job, it looks great! Now enjoy cooking on it.
I am going to sell this one. Still got 3 more grills to refurb after this one. And ultimately keep one.

I don't think I will make any money and if anything will probably sell it at a lost. At the moment these grills are going quite cheap on ebay.

If I add up the cost of purchasing these 4 grills and averages it all out, plus the paint and spare parts, I hope to at least end up with a grill for myself that did not cost me anything to refurb. At least that is how I look at it.

It is a hobby at the end of the day and not a business enterprise. This all started a year ago when I was gifted a well looked after Spirit E310 (2006) which I decided to refurb and keep. I started the refurb but never finished it. Still in the garage in bits.

I have never owned a gas grill before, always preferred wood or charcoal. The taste is just not the same, although I really appreciate the convenience to just fire it up have food ready in predictable time.

I have learned so much from this group and keep on enjoying reading each and every thread
No explanation needed. Whatever your reasons, I appreciate the work. I agree that food tastes better on a charcoal grill but got hooked on the convenience of a gas grill when I got one for a present. I confess that I sometimes consider buying a kettle and may still do it.
Jake, nice to see the Silver A's getting some love on this forum. Great job on your restoration. I'm in the process of restoring my 2004 Silver A and watching you redo yours is very entertaining. Thank god mine wasn't as bad on the insides, I would have walked away! That's a lot of sweat equity you put into it.

What did you use to shine up the black handle and baskets? I used a scotch pad and clorox clean up, then Maquires Back to Black. I also used it on the gray handle. Yours look like I want mine to look like.
Jake, nice to see the Silver A's getting some love on this forum. Great job on your restoration. I'm in the process of restoring my 2004 Silver A and watching you redo yours is very entertaining. Thank god mine wasn't as bad on the insides, I would have walked away! That's a lot of sweat equity you put into it.

What did you use to shine up the black handle and baskets? I used a scotch pad and clorox clean up, then Maquires Back to Black. I also used it on the gray handle. Yours look like I want mine to look like.
Thanks Bob, it was really sweat and tears cleaning that.

I used Meguiars trim detailer gold class to bring some life into all the plastic bits. It really made a huge difference.

