Genesis ii S-345 (Night Sear Edition)

Outstanding job. Looks amazing. I checked out the ad and I think you may want to consider a profile pic. I never trust folks who do not have one and am very cautious when dealing with them. You may want to ad a few more friends also;-) Just a thought.
Outstanding job. Looks amazing. I checked out the ad and I think you may want to consider a profile pic. I never trust folks who do not have one and am very cautious when dealing with them. You may want to ad a few more friends also;-) Just a thought.
Thank you Joe!
Excellent suggestion Joe! I'm Starting to use Facebook more and more all the time. Is there a setting on Facebook some how that hides my profile pic and account or a way to only have it available on marketplace? I just don't want to deal with friend request from everyone I've ever known and then explaining why I don't except friend requests. If I could find a way around that nightmare that would be great?
I think I am ADHD or something. My wife thinks I am. I start out best of intentions, get side tracked, lose focus and then I don't do a good job. Likely one reason I do well on mixers is they're relatively quick. And I can work in spurts
I think I have ADHD of something also but I get lost in my projects to the point where I don't eat or sleep. Focusing on the smallest details for hours some times.
Thank you Joe!
Excellent suggestion Joe! I'm Starting to use Facebook more and more all the time. Is there a setting on Facebook some how that hides my profile pic and account or a way to only have it available on marketplace? I just don't want to deal with friend request from everyone I've ever known and then explaining why I don't except friend requests. If I could find a way around that nightmare that would be great?
Here is the link to your privacy settings
Thank you Joe!
Excellent suggestion Joe! I'm Starting to use Facebook more and more all the time. Is there a setting on Facebook some how that hides my profile pic and account or a way to only have it available on marketplace? I just don't want to deal with friend request from everyone I've ever known and then explaining why I don't except friend requests. If I could find a way around that nightmare that would be great?
Create an account with a fake name and very limited personal info. Use a profile pic that is generic or a maybe a photo of a Grill.
Create an account with a fake name and very limited personal info. Use a profile pic that is generic or a maybe a photo of a Grill.
I just changed my first name to Jay and keep it as limited as possible. I did use a picture of myself and as uncomfortable as that makes me feel I think it's probably going to be better for Marketplace.
I think I am ADHD or something. My wife thinks I am. I start out best of intentions, get side tracked, lose focus and then I don't do a good job. Likely one reason I do well on mixers is they're relatively quick. And I can work in spurts
That is me with cars. Putting a few hundred hours in on something is pretty daunting. And when you get 1/4 way into it, it seems like it’s never going to end.

Grills on the other hand, you get 1/4 the way in and you can damn near see the finished product.
And you got mad at me when I said you had OCD...... How is that different from ADHD?
We all have it for somethings......
I definitely have OCD. I wouldn't get mad about that lol. But OCD and ADHD are different just to be clear. But maybe it's a combination. OCHD Obsessive Compulsive Hyperactive Disorder. That sounds about right.

Oh yeah I remember now. You were trying to criticize me on how I was choosing to build my Weber. That was messed up.
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