Genesis 1000 Porcelain Drip Tray

I am hoping someone more proficient at this stuff than me can take Gerry's kindly donated work and run with it. Either find a source that would crank out 10 or 20 (or maybe more?!!) so we can all go in on some - or make a set of finalized templates that any of us can buy and then try to find our own local source for fabrication.

I, for one, would be interested if someone can find a reasonably priced way to get these made. Maybe someone who has a garage shop with the needed equipment. If the price is realistic I would be interested in helping us get to a volume a shade tree metal guy would find worthwhile to price accordingly.
I showed the angles of the front/rear and sides. The corner angles will be less, but I didn’t measure it. (Think hip roof)
I never showed it on a template, but stand by.
I’ll get it in a minute.
Is the true angle on the corners 44 degrees like on the template? I did not think it as that steep. I would have guessed more like 35 or even 30 degrees.View attachment 37915
I see what you are looking at now. I wouldn’t worry about the angle. Draw out what I showed and the angle is whatever it is.
By my measurements, that diagonal line measures 7”

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Is the true angle on the corners 44 degrees like on the template? I did not think it as that steep. I would have guessed more like 35 or even 30 degrees.View attachment 37915
The software calculates that. I just click on Line 1, Line 2 and that's what it tells me.

EDIT: You are looking at a 2D drawing and thinking in 3D space. It's a compound angle when assembled and that angle depends on the bend angle of the flanges and the part that it mates with.
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Ok, thanks! To anyone creating templates, there will need to be some adjustments to the corners of the flanges when bent to bring those edges together. If you print this and fold it you will see what I mean. I will add to this as I complete.

EDIT1: Left off a dimension on Front Panel. Uploaded new file.
If you could, print this out to scale and see if it matches the original drawing.
You can tile it in Acrobat. Check the length of the drawing to make sure your printer is set up to print accurately.

View attachment 37925
I am not that computer literate. I gave pretty accurate measurements. If someone else prints it out and measures it, and it matches what I’ve shown it should be close enough.
I’ll help with pics and measurements of my drip trays as needed

I am not that computer literate. I gave pretty accurate measurements. If someone else prints it out and measures it, and it matches what I’ve shown it should be close enough.
I’ll help with pics and measurements of my drip trays as needed

Ok, thanks so much, Gerry! Like you, I'm just trying to help (and this kind of stuff is fun for me!) but that's about the extent of my involvement...I can fix the pdf if needed. I agree, your work should be close enough.

What I mean by tiling is that if you have never printed anything to scale, the first time you do, check your dimensions with a ruler. Some printers have a setting that can be adjusted to get this right. Then cut the print at the cut marks (there is some overlap) and tape the pages together. From there you can use spray glue to glue the paper to poster board or even sheet metal and cut the outline. Or draw it up from the dimensions given if that's easier.

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