I've been pretty happy with the standard J-head so far, except for the ooze, which I figured was perhaps an area where I may need to tweak the firmware or slic3r settings a bit..... perhaps it's just inevitable... I did have a partial clog once, which was frustrating. The filiament would make an immediate right turn when it left the hotend and curl all over the place, it was hard to believe it could turn like that on its own. I took the hotend apart and cleaned it up with a Q-Tip and acetone (while heated up a bit) and it's been printing really nice ever since, better than it did when it was new which kinda makes me wonder if there was some gunk stuck in there when I got it. I'm getting better prints right now than I ever have, the hotend is flowing nicely and the bed is nice and level....
I never did upgrade my Z endstop, I had the screw/switch endstop working nicely so I didn't see a need, but today the head dropped down below where it should sit the first time I homed it... not sure what failed, it's much colder today so perhaps something was just stiff or tight from the cold. I manually moved the z-axis a bit and hit homed out just fine after that. So I am thinking perhaps I should make the mods to the Z-endstop at this point now that I have had an issue. What parts are you guys using again? (I know it's prob. in the thread somewhere, but its 35 pages long now...)
I've given the auto bed leveling system a bit of thought and I am not sure I want to go with that or not. I'm not sure I like the idea of the Z-axis going up and down during the print of each layer. I would prefer to use the servo+switch as an aid to level the bed, and checkup on the bed position, and keep the head from moving up and down during the print by printing on a level bed in the first place.