Frozen Butts.. How to tha thaw out?



I have 2 butts purchased from Sams that I froze. Now I want to smokem' up. What is the proper procedure to thaw them out and how does it typically take per lb?
It depends on how much of a hurry your in. I prefer to defrost in the fridge but this takes a couple days. Sometimes I will take the meat out the night before and leave it in the sink at room temp. It's usually good to go in the morning. If in a rush I put it in room temp water to defrost and then it's a few hours. This will depend on size though. Sorry I don't have more precise calculations!

I thawed a package of 2 butts, about 7.5 lbs each, in the fridge a few weeks ago. Took about 4 days. It's the safest way to go, not the only way, but IMO the safest. So what's that, about 2 lbs per butt per day
the right way is the fridge however I use the counter or sink method. Over night on the counter or sink or sometimes the garage depending on the temp. I leave them in the wrap then in the am remove from the wrap to trim and sped up th defrost.
thanks guys. I think I put them in my bear frige to thaw. It seems that is the best method for safety. HOw long after it thaws do you have to cook it?
Matt, I've cooked them frozen or partially frozen with no ill effect on the butts. Matter of fact they had a great smoke ring.

