Friday Night Steaks



Step 1 starts on Thursday night when I put steaks on a rack in the frig for at least 12 hours, I'm not sure what this is called but it works

Step 2 choose a grill

I wanted to do the Kettle but because of time constraints I went with gas

Step 3 bring to room temp for a hour

Step 4 season steak, I use just salt and pepper cuz I want the taste of steak to come out and not extra spices

Great grill marks and awesome EATS!

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Very nice looking steaks!!! Like you I like just S & P on my steaks, I like my steaks to taste like beef
Leaving the steaks sit in the fridge is a form of dry aging. The big steak houses do it. You can search for dry aging methods, some recommend dry aging in almost the same manner you show but for several days to get the ultimate flavor from the steak.

I also prefer just the simple seasoning on my steaks. Well Done.
Making me hungry now - great looking steaks. So much so I went out and got me some bone in ribeyes for tomorrow :).

