Fresh Wild Caught Coho Salmon



TVWBB Diamond Member
was on sale for a good price. Had to have some.

Cooked on a cedar plank and topped with a hoisin-mustard glaze.


Plated with some wild rice and a minneola tangelo/red onion/spinach salad.


The salmon was incredible!
Gorgeous Robert, start to finish. Love that rice also. Bet that Hoisin Mustard Glaze was tasty! I was out in a secluded area near Sacramento several years ago. It was about 6:30 am. I was in a parking lot of a restaurant which was closed. There was nothing else for miles around. I was releasing my pigeons for a training flight and was busy at the back of my truck. I released the birds, closed up the truck and went to get in to go home. I'd left the drivers side door open and I looked in and there was a beautiful Boxer sitting in the passenger seat looking at me. He was friendly as all get out. I had a dilema, put him back out and go home (an hour and a half away) or try and figure out where he came from. The latter choice was easy. He had a tag on his collar with his name (the dog's) and a phone number. This was before cell phones but I lucked out and found a pay phone at the restaurant. I called and talked to this older man. I told him where I was and I had his dog. He was beside himself with joy and asked if I could wait a half hour or so. He was several miles away in Sacramento. I said I would and returned to the truck and waited with the pooch next to me. He showed up and was very grateful to have his dog back. Apparently they'd been out to dinner at this restaurant the night before and he'd left the dog in the back of his truck with a camper shell. The windows were open but screened. While he and his wife were eating dinner the dog pushed through the screen and ran off. They looked for a couple of hours in the area but could not find the dog and gave up and went home. The point of all this long, drawn out tale is that the man had brought me a reward for my efforts. He was a fisherman and did a lot of canning. He brought me six cans of Coho Salmon that he had recently caught. I thanked him, gave the dog a scratch, and headed home feeling good. To this day, that was the best salmon I've ever had.
That plate looks great Robert, really nice cook.

Not to hijack the tread but Cliff brought up an important point. If you have a pet that gets loose and it has a tag with your phone number on it the chances of you getting it back go way up. We have found probably 6-8 dogs running loose and only three of them had a phone number tag and we were able to get the dogs back to their worried owners. The others we had to have the shelter take them for their own protection and who knows what happened to them.
You can get a metal phone tag on line for around $3.00, great investment.
Robert a very inviting cook, i can just imagine that glaze topping has to be a perfect match to the salmon flavors.
A perfect plate shot too. I must try this.

