Fresh Bay Leaves


Steve Petrone

TVWBB Platinum Member
How to store small branch of fresh Bay? Thats the question.
Yesterday i had one 'branch of bay' leftover after baking two pizzas. I may be reaching the end of the growing season. How disturbed I was to see the bay I put in the fridge turning brown. Ugh!
Perhaps the best way is to store in a zip lock w/moist paper towel ---room temperature? Not fridge?
Thanks for your help.
You can layer them in a paper towel - dry towel - fold it around them, then store in a Ziploc in the fridge, air squeezed out, for about a week. Or you can simply let them dry and store them in a bottle once so.
I usually strip the bay leaves from the stem and let them dry on a sheet pan at room temperature for several days until they are well dried, then jar them. If you have a lot, try putting the perfectly dry leaves in 8-ounce mason jars and vacuum them. This has worked very well for me for years.

Put mine in a freezer bag in freezer. Only add them at the end of the cook (be it spag sauce or stir fry).
I found this while looking for what to do with all of our basil.


Freezing basil produces (in my opinion) the best results, as the basil is later suitable for using both cooked and fresh. Creating a paste with a small amount of oil has worked best for me. To do this, place the leaves and tender stems into the food processor and turn it on. Slowly drizzle olive oil (or a flavorless vegetable oil if you’re preserving a flavored basil) into the processor’s bowl until a thick paste forms. There should be more basil than olive oil (about a 3:1 or 4:1 ratio). Place the paste into ice cube trays and freeze. When the cubes are completely frozen, you can pop them out and put them in freezer safe storage containers.

Basil stored this way can be kept for up to two years.
Good ideas. I have used a dehydrator when I have enough basil. This year, there is plenty, rosemary and sage. Not so much oregano and thyme.

Is it worth drying mint? I've never used it dried.

I have tried drying mint but was not happy with the result. Ended up buying dried mint from Penzeys to use when I don'y have the fresh.

Spreading them out and drying the bay leaves works best for us. Someone gave me some she froze one time and I had to throw them away -- they were really slimy and unappealing.

