Free 2005 Summit Platinum D4 NG


Rich G

TVWBB Honor Circle
I posted up in the Buy/Sell forum a free Summit Platinum that popped up for free about 4 miles from me. After some minor soul searching, I went and picked it up......which was a bit of an adventure since I needed to get it to fit into my '04 Wrangler. It's in really good shape, but is unfortunately a Natural Gas version, so I'll have to figure out a way to swap that over to LP.

In the meantime, some pics as is.....







So, you have IIRC about $250 to spend on flavorizer bars alone there. And, obviously a whole lotta elbow grease to put into it. Perhaps burners as well. On that model you should be able to simply swap out the orifices and add a regulator for LP and LP hose. Looking at the fire box it looks like it's the better version with the stainless steel insert though I have seen them with the back side of the fire box rusted out. Nice thing is it looks like it has the good grates (3/8" stainless rods not the stamped ones).
So, you have IIRC about $250 to spend on flavorizer bars alone there. And, obviously a whole lotta elbow grease to put into it. Perhaps burners as well. On that model you should be able to simply swap out the orifices and add a regulator for LP and LP hose. Looking at the fire box it looks like it's the better version with the stainless steel insert though I have seen them with the back side of the fire box rusted out. Nice thing is it looks like it has the good grates (3/8" stainless rods not the stamped ones).
Thanks for weighing in, Larry. Yeah, the grates are pretty much perfect (nicely coated in grease, too!) ;) Flavorizers are shot, and I'm missing a crossover tube. If I go with LP, I'll need a tank scale, the reg and hose I have. The burners light up fine on LP (high flame of course, but good enough to check for any holes where they shouldn't be!) Firebox has no issues, cabinet is in decent shape (though I may make it an open cabinet model.) Oh, and I will replace the wood that the PO mounted where there are supposed to be casters! If I can get what I need for less than $500, and the rest is just my time and some paint, I'll consider this a win. I really like the 4-burner East/West set up. It's more flexible, though not what I'd prefer if I did a lot of rotisserie.

@LMichaels, you mentioned in a previous thread the need to "re-jet" the side that just an orifice replacement there, too, or something more involved? EDIT: Never mind, I found the orifice under the burner cover. :)

Does anyone happen to know if any of these models came with the wood slat left table as pictured above, or is that some sort of retrofit? I kind of like it.

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I have never seen one with a wood shelf. I am 99% positive that was a PO modification. He probably lost or damaged the old table. It would look similar to the swing tables with the SS insert.
I have never seen one with a wood shelf. I am 99% positive that was a PO modification. He probably lost or damaged the old table. It would look similar to the swing tables with the SS insert.
Yeah, that's what all the assembly documents seemed to show. I really like it though. It was nicely done with some dark stain, and I think it complements the stainless/grey very nicely!
No reason you cannot keep it if you like it. You could probably retrofit some wood swing tables to match if you wanted to.
Of course it is all a matter of taste, but that is one grill where you have nothing to worry about as far as the cabinetry and doors. All real stainless. So why not keep them and use the space? On the tables, custom ideas are always an innovative way to go, so maybe some wood could be a nice touch. It will cost you to go all out, but it is a nice grill.
Of course it is all a matter of taste, but that is one grill where you have nothing to worry about as far as the cabinetry and doors. All real stainless. So why not keep them and use the space? On the tables, custom ideas are always an innovative way to go, so maybe some wood could be a nice touch. It will cost you to go all out, but it is a nice grill.
I came to the same conclusion as I did more research on this model, Jon. I'm going to get it cleaned up like Bill's above, get the lid/box spruced, and add some new innards. I really like the wood that the PO added to the left hand shelf, so I'm going to keep that for sure. I got in touch with Dave Santana (RCPlaneBuyer) today, and he's going to make me up some new flavor bars (not something he makes much as the amount of labor for these is much higher than the old Genny ones.) But, I'd rather give Dave my money than a parts house somewhere far away. A new set of casters, some new orifices, and a tank scale/gauge, and this'll be a keeper for sure.

.....I gotta get my 1/2/3K done first, though. :)

Yeah on the side burner it also should be a simple orifice swap. Those grills are pretty easy to change fuel type on. Unlike a Genesis which can have two different type of valves. On those Summits Weber pretty much stayed with one valve type/supplier. So simple orifice and supply hose changes are all that is needed. BTW IIRC the NG models do have a regulator on them. Should find it in the cabinet IIRC
Yeah on the side burner it also should be a simple orifice swap. Those grills are pretty easy to change fuel type on. Unlike a Genesis which can have two different type of valves. On those Summits Weber pretty much stayed with one valve type/supplier. So simple orifice and supply hose changes are all that is needed. BTW IIRC the NG models do have a regulator on them. Should find it in the cabinet IIRC
Thanks, Larry. I popped the orifices off a couple of manifolds I have on hand just for a test fire, and they worked perfectly. Nice flame height through LOW to HIGH on all four burners and the side burner. I let the main burners run for a bit and got quickly up to 650, and it might top out at 700 if I let it run longer (and if I had the flavorizer bars in there to hold some more heat.) I was near Dave Santana's shop today, so I popped in and we finalized an order for the flavor bars. I've got a new crossover, ignition button, casters and stainless hardware coming from Weber. Hoping to get most of my 1/2/3k project done so I can dive into cleanup on this one!

Rich, the real question when you go from NG to LPG is not how hot it gets but how low can you go. Try it with one burner on the lowest setting...does it go low enough for your needs?
Rich, the real question when you go from NG to LPG is not how hot it gets but how low can you go. Try it with one burner on the lowest setting...does it go low enough for your needs?
Oh, yeah, that one I've learned in the past, Ed. There is no low when you run LP through a NG set up! With one burner on low, after 30 minutes this grill pegs at 225F. Seems about right to me, and I'm not likely to ever want lower in the gasser. Appreciate you calling that out, though! :)

I think that's about as low as it gets, or at least I've never needed to go lower than 250F, so it sounds like winner winner chicken dinner!
Nice that Dave makes those for the Summit. I ordered a set through GrillParts for my brother and IIRC they were like $250!
He told me he hasn't made any in a while, and there are some differences in how he mates the pieces compared to the original just due to the complexity of the work and the jig required. They aren't much cheaper than the offerings you can find online, but I'd rather give my money to Dave as a local guy. I am sure they will be the same high quality as his other stuff, with the same longevity due to the thicker gauge stock.

BTW, he mentioned that he can't even get new stock for making grates currently. When he uses up what he has on hand currently, he'll have to wait until the supply line (and prices) catch up!


