found my grandson an '04 black OTP


Bob Correll

R.I.P. 3/31/2022
$30 CL find.
Needs a good cleaning, but good shape otherwise.

Blake is 15 now, and has been grilling/queing for about 4 years.
He has a 22" OTS, and an 18" WSM.
Gramps bought both for him.:)
His old 22" will go to our son who is getting married later this year.


A pic from 2 year ago:

Way to go Bob. You have got your grandson into something he will use for a lifetime. He is probably already out-cooking half of us on here.

Nice find on the OTP
Thanks guys!

I should add that total cost for all 3, 22 OTS, 18 WSM, and 22 OTP, is $130.
Didn't want anyone to think I was spoiling him too much, or that I'm wealthy.:rolleyes:
I love seeing all of the generations of cooking on this forum.

I've been slowly teaching my 10 year old how it's done.

Keep up the good work Bob!
Thanks guys!

I should add that total cost for all 3, 22 OTS, 18 WSM, and 22 OTP, is $130.
Didn't want anyone to think I was spoiling him too much, or that I'm wealthy.:rolleyes:

That is the great thing about this hobby, it takes very little investment to really enjoy it. Good stuff passing it down for posterity.
Thanks guys!

I should add that total cost for all 3, 22 OTS, 18 WSM, and 22 OTP, is $130.
Didn't want anyone to think I was spoiling him too much, or that I'm wealthy.:rolleyes:

You sound pretty wealthy to me Bob. You're lucky to have grandsons and sons like that. :)
Way da go guys, what better way to learn how to Q than your Pops teachin ya! tip o the hat to ya`s!
that's the beaut of the dang kettles, they NEVER die. great find, and hava great time with the boy.

don't lift the lid...

