Did you ever get the 14" liner? Curious to see how that fits the Brinkman pan. Thanks!
Today I'm using a CampChef 12" disposable Dutch oven liner as a disposable water pan liner in the 18.5" WSM. I'm using it inside the Winco 14.25" stainless steel mixing bowl that I recently identified as an alternative to the extremely deep stock 18.5" WSM water pan. The bowl is discussed in this video:
In one of these photos, you can see that I've also wrapped the bottom of the bowl with wide foil so that inside and out cleans up in a snap. I may have other uses for this bowl, so I don't want it caked with burned-on grease/smoke.
thanks for posting! I was wondering I'llif the 10" would fit the 14.5 water pan. will need to give this a try!I know that this is an old thread but I'm doing the same thing on my 14.5 WSM. I'm using the 10 inch liners and making a bowl shape just as described in this thread. After each cook I just pour out the water and rinse the liner in the sink for the next cook. After 5 or so uses I throw it out.
The brim is wide enough after fitting into the pan that it covers the top of the pan lip that sits on the support straps. I've found that this area gets particularly dirty since drippings miss the water and grease gets baked on.
Watch my video, starting at 7:38.Lots of mention of the brinkmann water pan here, but i have the "new" OEM weber 18.5 water pan, whatever came from Weber, How do these liners fit? I smoke without water and am tired of cleaning a bowl of nasty grease.