Foiling Pork Butt


Tim D.

I am planning on doing a Pork Butt this coming Friday night to be ready for lunch on Saturday. I have never foiled them in the past, but thought I might try it to see how much shorter it makes the cooking process. For those of you that do foil the pork butt, about how long is the cook, when cooking around 225-275ish? Thanks for the help!

Typically, nine hrs if I hit 250* in a reasonable length of time, but personally, I only cook like that if sleeping in on a Saturday morning and cook 'em for supper.
Hi Tim,
We have only used the foil method. What is most critical is when to foil. Too early and you end up with soggy bark. We monitor our meat temperature for only one reason... As an indicator. In this case, to indicate if in the stall. Then, and only then, do we start checking the bark for proper formation. Does it look wet, will it scrape off (using your fingernail). If so, we close it up and check again in another 15 or 20 minutes (sometimes 30 minutes). Once the bark has fully set, we foil. Add a little (1/4 cup will do) liquid to the foiled package. When foiling, totally seal the package so no moisture gets out. When the meat temperature "indicator" gets into the 190 "range", poke your "tenderness checker" into the foiled meat, without opening the foiled package. Make sure you do not poke all of the way thru the foiled package. (all too easy to do.... :) ) If not like soft butter, check again in 15 or so minutes.
Like Dave, we have typically found 9 or so hours to be fairly consistent.
Without foiling, it usually takes between 1.5 to 2 hours per pound to reach the 195 area, for me. i've yet to foil a butt, so I have no clue.............................d
I cook Boston butts and pork picnics at 250F, in an uncovered aluminum pan, until it has a good color, about 4 - 5 hours, about 140F IT. I then foil it and cook it to about 190F IT, then starting poking and prodding it for doneness.

An 8 pound piece takes about 9-10 hours.

