Flipping butts


Bill Mengel

I've never flipped cooking butts before. I always cooked them fat side down and just left them alone. Last night I started 2 butts and have flipped them two times at around 11:00 last night and at 6:00 this morning.Do you flip or turn butts? I kind of think they may cook a little more even. Btw the smaller one is at 167 degrees right now.
This is the first butt I'm making, but from what I've read, they usually cook fat-side down. From what I gathered, the meat could get quite dry without the fat cap on the bottom for a lengthy period of time. I think you should be alright if you flip it, though, as long as it's not for a long while.

I haven't taken the internal temp yet...I will at 4hrs (been on for 2.5 already), but was wondering how long yours has been cooking to get to 167 and at what temp are you smokin' at? BTW, my butt of 4.5lbs and has been smokin' at 235-240F for 2.5hrs already.
I put 2 butts that are around 7 lbs on at 5:30 ish last night. My temp is 230 to 240 ish. When I cook 2 butts this size it always seems to take around 14 or more hours. It always seems like it takes forever to get out of the 160-170 degree range.
I never flip. I go fat down all the way. That way, if anything sticks to the grate it's fat and I don't lose any bark
The reason I flipped this time is because they are kind of oddly shaped and the corners are real close to the sides. I kind of liked the last flip they cracked open a little so I put more rub on and down in there. They are probably done now. I poked around until I found a spot that seemed a little harder and took a temp reading right there. Still have a little way to go but the rest of the butt is like poking butter. Decided to leave em on for a little more.
I never flip or rotate, and always cook fat side down. Every time the WSM get's opened, cooking time is added because of the recovery time. I don't baste or spritz, either, for the same reason. I've never had a problem with uneven cooking on butts. I always use a therm from the get-go so I don't have to open. Good luck with your cook!

I never really go by temp so I do open and check the butts anyways. Like right now the temp was at 178 in a spot but the bone pulled cleanly out and the poke test showed me it was done. Both are out and resting comfortablely. I will not know if flipping did much until I pull them. I'm guessing probably not much but I'm not going to worry too much about it.
Originally posted by Dave/G:
I never flip. I go fat down all the way. That way, if anything sticks to the grate it's fat and I don't lose any bark

I'm with you on this one.

I think the whole spritz, flip, rotate, etc. stuff during the coook merely prolongs the cook time and makes it more difficult to keep a steady temperature in the smoker.
Originally posted by Dave/G:
I never flip. I go fat down all the way. That way, if anything sticks to the grate it's fat and I don't lose any bark

Hmmmmm..........good reason now that I think of it, I like not losing bark either.
One thing about the flipping I had alot less sticking on the grate. All my other cooks I haven't touched or move them at all and the whole bottom would be stuck and with the flip I had some sticking but not much. Btw that crunchy stuck on stuff is some tasty pickens.
Used to do that as well as mop. Not any more. I find there is really no need, and it just extends cook temps. But that's just my opinion and I'm not competing - just eating.
I don't think I'll ever understand how people think you will get a more "even" cook by flipping. Your WSM when left closed acts as a convection cooker. You have a controlled temperature and continuous airflow around the meat.... and this is on ALL SIDES. The only consideration would be if your piece of meat is on the edges (particular on the lower rack) where temps can be slightly higher.

Set it fat side down and just enjoy a couple recreational beverages while cooker does the rest... don't fuss with it!!
wait a minute- maybe I have it wrong but thought I was or am doing it right- I put my butts with the fat side up in order to have drippings seep down to keep meat moist. I don't even worry about flipping as the whole piece just cooks as if were in an oven. The sticking to rack is so minimumn if at all. Juices run downward. I'm wondering if smoking a turkey breast down would create a moisture breast- any advice would be appreciated. Turkey time is approaching and I want to smoke some!

