Flat Cut Brisket



New member
I am planning on smoking a brisket on Sunday. Unfortunately, the market only had flats and not packer cuts. Kosher briskets are hard to find around here, so I will take what I can get. Is there anything different for smoking this cut? How much time should I plan per pound? Do I add water to the pan when smoking the brisket? If so, is there any benefit from using beer?
Make sure the flat has a nice fat cap on one side -- at least 1/4". Consider injecting. Use water in the pan. Drink the beer. Wrap in foil or butcher paper when the bark is a nice color and the internal is around 160°. Don't over cook rest for at least an hour uncovered. Biggest problem with doing a flat only is that they tend to dry out. Moisture will be your friend.
Dan... Not sure where in US you are, but if you have a Wal Mart nearby, you might check their meat section. The Wal Marts around here usually always have a good selection of Packers. I've seen other members say the same thing. Good advice from J. above.
I mop my flats I don't use water in my defuser. Mopping makes for nice bark, and helps maintain moisture

