First Turkey done!

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Daniel Israel

TVWBB Member
Hi gang,

I did my first turkey on thanksgiving. I bought a standard Albertsons turkey (it was buy 1 get 1 free) to do a test run (my turkey was not the big mama for dinner, just a test run for christmas).

I basically followed the recipe on the COOKING page. I brined the turkey overnight (about 12 hours) and rubbed it with seasoning. Threw it on the cooker and it held temperature no problems. Cooked QUICK too! About 2.5 hours. Cut the turkey up and ended up showing up the main turkey for dinner!

Pluses: Kept the smoker temp up no problem (have had problems before), wonderful turkey, very easy

Minuses: I blew out the wire for my thermometer. (I got one of those 2 wire thermometers to watch the grill temp and the meat temp and I put the grill temp on the grill as it was heating up... blew the wire.)

After doing this, I don't think I'll ever cook a turkey in the oven again! It was so easy!

What I think I'll do (if anybody is interested) is video my christmas smoke so I can give a little back (this board has given me so much!).

let me know if you are interested in the video! Thanks!
Sounds great Daniel.

Good luck on the Christmas turkey and I'd love to see a few photos of the smoke.

What thermometer did you have that blew the wire?
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