First time smoking on a brand new 18 in WSM...
I decided to use lump charcoal (some argentinian variety that I saw at the local store here).
Also, my wife did not want chicken so I decided on baby backs and got two 3 pound meaty racks from Whole Foods (I know it is pricey and had to
look through their whole pile for meaty ones...).
So comments:
1- The hardest part was lighting the coals in the chimney starter... these things would not catch on. I must have used up the whole paper. It might be because the top of the charcoal bag
was full of larger pieces. So, I tried to shake a bit the chimney to get some smaller pieces down. Anyhow, it took almost 45 minutes to an hour to get these things really going...
2- Once I put them on (the minion method - sort of with only 1/2 of the chamber filed with unlit charcoal), the temperature went up to 225 at that time I shut all three vents to 25%.
3- The temperature held steady (I am amazed at that) at 245-250 (on the Maverick probe through the grate). Wow. I did NOTHING for 3 straight hours....
4- When I closed the lid, a LOT of smoke was coming out, so I am not sure whether I should have waited... but an hour into it, no more noticeable smoke.
5- The first time I peaked was 3 hours into it, and it seemed (pulled it, poked it...) that it needed a bit more. I closed the lid, and the temp went up to 300 immediately and stayed there till I got back from the store (45 min)...
at which time I took the ribs out. I think they were slightly over done for my taste... as they say here FOSB... which is not how I prefer them...
But, most importantly, these things were DELICIOUS. It reminded me of bbq pilgrimmage I did 10 years ago to Central Texas... Wow that wood/charcoal/smoke taste is just unforgettable. So thanks all for everything. I learned all this from you. Please criticize and comment on whether there is something that I can do to improve... Next up: Pork Butt.
Here is a picture of the finished product (the smoke ring on these -not clear from the one picture I took- was AwSOME)
First time smoking on a brand new 18 in WSM...
I decided to use lump charcoal (some argentinian variety that I saw at the local store here).
Also, my wife did not want chicken so I decided on baby backs and got two 3 pound meaty racks from Whole Foods (I know it is pricey and had to
look through their whole pile for meaty ones...).
So comments:
1- The hardest part was lighting the coals in the chimney starter... these things would not catch on. I must have used up the whole paper. It might be because the top of the charcoal bag
was full of larger pieces. So, I tried to shake a bit the chimney to get some smaller pieces down. Anyhow, it took almost 45 minutes to an hour to get these things really going...
2- Once I put them on (the minion method - sort of with only 1/2 of the chamber filed with unlit charcoal), the temperature went up to 225 at that time I shut all three vents to 25%.
3- The temperature held steady (I am amazed at that) at 245-250 (on the Maverick probe through the grate). Wow. I did NOTHING for 3 straight hours....
4- When I closed the lid, a LOT of smoke was coming out, so I am not sure whether I should have waited... but an hour into it, no more noticeable smoke.
5- The first time I peaked was 3 hours into it, and it seemed (pulled it, poked it...) that it needed a bit more. I closed the lid, and the temp went up to 300 immediately and stayed there till I got back from the store (45 min)...
at which time I took the ribs out. I think they were slightly over done for my taste... as they say here FOSB... which is not how I prefer them...
But, most importantly, these things were DELICIOUS. It reminded me of bbq pilgrimmage I did 10 years ago to Central Texas... Wow that wood/charcoal/smoke taste is just unforgettable. So thanks all for everything. I learned all this from you. Please criticize and comment on whether there is something that I can do to improve... Next up: Pork Butt.
Here is a picture of the finished product (the smoke ring on these -not clear from the one picture I took- was AwSOME)