First time smoking. EVER. Whole packer prime brisket and pork butt

Congrats on your first smoke, you nailed it!!!! Try cooking overnight, that is what I usually do now, also, I have had success in finishing off the brisket and pork in a 300F oven, when pressed for time. Congrats again on a great cook!!! You will love that WSM!!!
Wow, pretty ballsy first cook !!!
Looks amazing, your ambitions were rewarded !!!
Agreeing with an earlier poster, for some of the longer cooks I just pull the whole middle section and add coals, either lit or unlit depending on the situation. With insulated gloves its pretty easy, probably easier than removing the racks of meat.
As for the upgrade question, depends on quantity, I have had an 18.5 for years and haven't needed to upgrade, and I frequently do multiple cooks for a party. I find gaving multiples (kettle, spare smoker, gasser) etc is more beneficial than one big boy.
I also found someone selling a brand new 14.5" wsm for 50 bux locally! I just wanna buy it cause it's 50 bux!!

Welcome to the addiction! The 14.5 is a beast of a little cooker. You'll find yourself Qing more if you get it, because it's so easy to get going and to clean. Congrats on a mighty fine first smoke!
Daniel, congrats on your first brisket you did awesome. Looking forward to seeing more of your cooks.
Thank you for sharing. It's great to see members from Southern California. I'm in San Bernardino

