First time smoke this weekend!


Sam Paul

New member
Man, I am so stoked! I received my 18.5 WSM on Monday, but since it was Halloween, I didn't even get to crack the box open. Worked late last night, so no assembly of my new friend once again! Hopefully, I'll get it assembled tonight! Everytime I walk by the box as I'm heading out to work, the smoker calls out to me... "Hey, get me outta here!" I just holler back... "In due time, my brutha... in due time!"

I'm going to smoke my first butt on Friday, and I really hope it turns out great! Either way, at least I'll get to play with the new toys that I purchased along with the smoker... Mav ET732, Chimney, Bearclaws...etc. Mainly, though, I just hope my wife and daughter enjoy the food. Makes me happy to know I've cooked 'em something they really like. :)
Can't wait to hear how it turns out for you. Got plans for the rub and finishing sauce yet?
Brian, I'll definitely take some pics!

Jeff, I plan on using the Mr.Brown recipe that has been mentioned many times in the forum. AS for finishing sauce... I'm going to make a batch of a vinegar based sauce from a recipe that I've used in the past. I have to watch the amount of sugar that I take in, and this sauce uses Stevia as the sweetener. :)
Good Luck!! Be aware that your cooker may cook a little hotter than expected on the first couple of cooks. Mine did, but some don't. However, I started with too much charcoal and a lot too much in the chimney for the beer can chicken I was cooking. Fortunately, one thing I've learn about my WSM in my short time is that things don't have to go perfect to go well.
Welcome to the forum! Get that bad boy out of the box and put him to work! I smoke something every weekend and the WSM is awesome. Post some pics of your first smoke.
Good luck on your first run with the new toy. Remember, your not alone. You can count on all of us to get you through.
You sound like me, I bought the 732 and chimney right off the bat too. I never used a chimney and was mesmerized watching it burn like a little jet engine. No claws though so let us know how those work out…I did the Mr Brown on Sunday for the first time and my only mistake was not making more. I just used a 5-6 pounder, next time if I am going to get up at 430 am I’m gonna load er’ up pull and food saver a bunch.

The surprising thing is that there really were no fat pieces to be discarded when pulling, it all rendered and melted in pretty nicely. Since all I’ve done with pork shoulder before is make 1 ½ inch cube kabobs on the grill…now those charred little fat nuggets are tasty! I’ve begun to realize pork is so dang versatile! Ok I’m going off on tangents now…

Anyway here’s an excuse to show off my first Mr Brown again, you know for reference

I picked up some lamp repair items from the lighting isle at lowes and made my own grommet for a couple bux. Do a search I believe the instructions with pics are around here. Really nothing to it. I put a couple layers of tape drilled a pilot hole then another…

B4 you drill your holes, try just letting the thermo cord out between the lid/side. It's really tough stuff.

You may find you don't need to go the other route. I didn't.

