First time brisket

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New member
I am trying my first brisket on Sunday.

I just read the great brisket article on the Beef Recipes area and I think I will follow that concept as best I can (although I only have a 4.25lb brisket).

Any other tips, advice, mistakes you have made and I should look out for, etc.?

Welcome Duncan! Well the brisket you have is a "flat", don't trim the fat off of it unless it has a huge fat cap. If you have to trim leave at least a 1/8 -1/4 inch of fat on the top to keep it moist. That is the only thing I can think of that is a pretty common mistake. You don't want to spend all that time smoking and end up with a dry brisket. I pull my briskets when they hit 180* internal temperature. Wrap it in HD foil, then a towel and place in a pre-heated cooler for a couple hours. When you un-wrap the brisket from the foil, let it rest for 15-20 minutes before you slice it. Otherwise you will have a dry brisket. Good luck you will be fine! Let us know how it turns out, and post some pics!
Hi Duncan,

Just did my first one last weekend.

Don't panic if the temperature seems to be stuck around the 160's for ever. It's normal.

I couldn't believe how quidkly it got up to 140 or 150 and then man it took about 6 to 7 hours to get from 160 up to 170. ( I was doing a 12 pounder.)
How did the Chinese food turn out last night? Mine was good as usual!
I will be watching closely to see how you got on, next week I hope to do the same as brisket was being left for last. Just want to get the hang of doing pork butt first, let us all know how it worked out and pic's would be great...
I am getting started here.

Coals are going and wood is on - it's a bit too hot, so I am waiting for the temp to come down a bit before getting the meat on.

Also, I read in a few posst that bacon could be used in place of a decent fat cap (there is some fat on the top of the brisket, but not enough).

I figure I will be getting the meat on at around 10:30am.

More later...
Too Hot = 300 degrees.

I am trying to get it at 250 in the dome. Brisket is on the top rack.

At 11am it is around 275 degrees.
At 1:30PM the temp is hanging around 235* at the dome. I added more wood and more fuel at 1:00PM and everything seems to be going along well.

I figure I will take a meat temp check at 3:00PM.

I am not sure how you started your cook (all lit coals? Minion Method (MM)?) but you'll find that temps are far easier to moderate on their way up than on their way down. For a small trimmed brisket I'd make a smaller MM and put the meat on right away. Then when the temp hits 200 or so I'd close all lower vents to 30% open or so, depending on outside temp, wind, etc. The meat starts heating as the coals do and it's easier to control the temps.
I was talking about the starting to close off vents when the lid temp reaches 200.

For internal temp--I, too, cook to 190.
I have been hanging around 235* for most of the cook. I am down to 225* now and I flipped the brisket (I know some people do not do this).

I will take the meat temp in a little bit.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
Kevin, I was talking about guys who keep their smoker temp at 190 for the entire cook...not internal temp of meat. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh, my apologies. While mine has gotten that low, or lower, for extended periods of time (the
last was getting waylaid in town when a major rai n/wind thing happened back a the ranch), but I've never cooked that low for the duration. Usually I'm shooting for 215-220.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Greg Rempe:
Duncan, I know some guys who cook briskets at 190 degrees and no more! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
Hmm, is there an advantage and what are the results?
Well.... I am sitting at 6 hours for a 4.25 pound brisket and the internal temp is only at 140*.

I am leaving it on for another bit to see how it goes.
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