First Smokenator Brisket Flat on 22.5 Performer


Chris Sherman

TVWBB Super Fan
So I had a friend that owns a stainless shop make me a Smokenator knock-off in exchange for some smoked cheese. I think I got a good deal. ;)
It's not perfect, and in retrospect I would change a couple of minor things...mainly placing the 2 round holes further back so the grate did not cover them so much, but not a big deal and worked fine.
This is my first attempt at using the thing. :confused:



Got a brisket flat from Costco...I didn't even note the weight. My guess is betwee 6.5~8lbs.
Since I did this at work, I didn't have any of my tools with me. No Maverick, Thermapen...nothing.

Sprinkled the brisket with Montreal, set up the "Smokenator" with Kingsford Comp., hickory chunks and beer in the pan.
Put the brisket on at around 12pm, foiled @ 165* and pulled off at 5:15pm when IT reached about 200* according to a dial meat thermometer.
Rested in a microwave packed with towels until 7pm. Sliced and ate.
I was really surprised at how well it turned out. Very moist and a decent bark.


Thanks for looking. :)
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Great lookin' brisket Chris!
ask your buddy to make one of these things, they work OUTSTANDING! ;)

Woah...wish I had seen that first. What gauge is that? Looks pretty thick. 14?

EDIT: Just saw 11 gauge. Very nice. Think I'll have one made when he runs out of cheese! ;)
Do you have a template or measurements?

EDIT 2: Going through the thread, all questions are answered. Thanks again.
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Chris I've used a Smokenator in a previous life with the Performer and know how they can demand a little attention. You did VERY well, especially for the first time. Excellent job.
Thanks for the compliments everyone. :)

That sure seems quick to me for a brisket, but, it sure looks good! Nice lookin brisky there!!!!

Well, I really should have noted the weight, but I didn't buy the meat and I was at work, so I had other things going on.
It may have weighed less than my guess. ;)

