First Smoke!


Tom (Gunner)

TVWBB Super Fan
Hello all,

Just finished my first smoke in my 18.5 WSM! I broke it in smoking 2, 5 Pound Chickens, and a left over pork loin (I cut 2 pork chops off it last night for dinner and decided to smoke the rest of it today). Not sure if the pictures will work below or not? Everything turned out amazing. I used the minion method which I have to say is brilliant. Full ring full of charcoal, dumped 20 lit on top and 3 fist size chunks of wood on top and let it go. After a half hour or so I had the temp pinned at 250. The chickens took about 3 1/2 hours and the pork took 4 hours. I left the top vent open 100% the whole time, had the bottom 3 vents open till it hit 200 then knocked them back to 25%..Only had to adjust one of the bottom ones throughout the 4 hours here and there and the other two just left at 25%. I took the meat off the smoker but I am leaving it burn to see how long I can keep it pinned at 250 so I can gauge for longer cooking times. I wish I had more stuff to cook! At least I still have beers to drink..I love this website and my new wife was laughing at me because I was taking pictures of the finished chicken and pork..haha! ..Cheers! (hope the pics work below?)


Are you sure this is your first smoke?

the pics worked great, the food looks fantastic, and why do the girls always laugh when the guys take pics of there masterpiece
Nice job Tom
Thanks Jay! Well, it's not technically my first smoke, but my first smoke on my new WSM. I have only smoked on my Spirit 210 grill before which was pretty tough, so I am so happy to have a REAL smoker for the first time..I just checked on it outside and it's still pinned at 250 and I started it at 9:15AM. So 7 hours in and it's still going strong..I love this thing!
Tom, Welcome to the insanity. Your cook looks great! You'll be teaching us soon.
Many happy returns.

Thanks Chuck, appreciate it! The pork turned out a bit overdone, but that's ok we used it for a split pea soup so it worked out just fine...
Excellent job Tom. Welcome to the forum. The food just gets better from here on out.


pretty soon you'll be scouring Craiglist for Weber products. LOL

Awesome job Tom! I've taken hundreds of pictures of the food I cook and the hubby still chuckles when I reach for the camera.

