First smoke - success



New member
I got my WSM on Tuesday, and figured I'd do the rookie thing and make a pork butt as my first attempt.

I bought a bone-in pork butt on Friday from a reputable local Mennonite butcher (guaranteed drug-free meat, which is a good thing), and it seems like it had already been trimmed of its fat cap and false cap (at least I couldn't find any as described on this site), and weighed in at just above 5 lbs.

The recipes of everything I put on it are all from Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue book.

Friday night, I spread on some cheap mustard, and then plenty of "Scotty's Barbecue Rub", wrapped in plastic and refrigerated overnight. Using the Minion method to fire things up, I put the meat on at around 8:30am. I used a Taylor confection thermometer in the top vent to measure temp. With a few challenges in maintaining consistent temp (common newbie problem I would think), the thermometer was on average around 250 degrees, 225 at the lowest mark and 275 at the highest. At noon, I applied the "East North Carolina Lemon Mop" and turned the meat for the first time, and kept doing that about every two hours. I had to throw in some more unlit coals twice during the afternoon, and when I did that, I also threw some more woodchips in there - about a fistful every time.

At 3:30, I measured meat temp for the first time, and it was 160 degrees. It stayed there until 6:45, when I told my wife that I'd take the meat off no matter what at 7:30pm - I was way too hungry to wait any longer. Lo and behold, at 7:30 the temp was up at around 175-180 in various spots, so I figured it was done. On average, the lid temp throughout was 250, but I figure that is a bit on the low side, that resulted in 11 hours cooking time instead of 8-10.

I let it sit for half and hour in foil before pulling it, and it was very very tasty. I had the pork with sub style buns, and put on some "Jack Daniels' Barbecue Sauce" and "Bragging Rights Coleslaw", both from Paul Kirk's book. It was fantastic. So today, I brought in the leftovers for my workmates in the department to enjoy.

I'm gonna be q'ing every weekend now, you can bet on that.

-- Calle.

You've got a treat ahead of you. Next time do your scheduling so you'll have plenty of time and let the temp get to 195-200. It can be a little exasperating, but be patient. Then, wrap tightly in HD foil and put in an empty cooler till you're ready to pull. You can hold it 4 to 5 hours. I think you'll be absolutely amazed at the product - truly PIG CANDY. The magic happpens between 180 and 200.

Thanks Paul. I had intended to cook it until it was at least 190, but hunger got the best of me. I figured 175-180 would be alright though, since the "Renowned Mr Brown" recipe on this site only goes to a 170 temp.

I have already decided to do this again very soon, but make myself get up at 4am or so to get things started. I'll also keep the temperature a little higher, I think. Lid temp seems to be about 15 degrees higher than top grate temp, so I've got some room to move there I think.

