First Small Brisket


Billy W

TVWBB Member
I picked up a flat tonight that was only about 2.5 lbs, it's not the biggest but the didn't have many options at the stores I went to, plus this my first brisket.
I figured I would cook around 210- 230 on my kettle with hickory wood.
What would everyone's suggestion be for charcoal? I will be using Kingsford Blue and figured I would use the minion method. I have never used temps that low so I am worried about using too much charcoal to start with. I know I ran 250 with 30 unlit and 8-10 lit on top with ribs, but not sure what do to for less heat. Less unlit? Less lit? less of both?
Any help would be appreciated. I will also be throwing on a very small rack of beef back ribs (my local store didn't have much of a selection).

Any help would be appreciated.
It might make a good pastrami. Is the cut fatty? Like a seam of fat in the middle of it?

If you do try to cook it like a brisket you're going to need to foil it. I get my briskets @ Walmart too.
The advice you are getting is due to it being such a small brisket. It is harder to keep it moist being that size, so you will need to foil it after a short time.

As for charcoal, you will be able to control temps with your bottom vent. 6 lit will be enough. I light 6 coals, still run 270 at the lid with the bottom closed and the top open. Working your top vents to half you would be able to get lower than that.
Thanks everyone. I checked a couple of stores and couldn't find any. Plus this is my first brisket and at 4.99 a pound I didn't want to spend a lot of something I could or will most likely mess up. I thought of this as learning process cook. If I would have none that it was going to be hard to keep moist, I would have re-thought everything.
Now I have never foiled anything I have cooked. I would assume after a certain amount of time, I just wrap in foil? Can I still apply smoke? Should I apply smoke the entire cook?
The next time I will look for a much bigger cut.

@jeff- how many unlit should I use?
4-6 lit is what I would do. Foil when 150-160 until tender, start checking around 1 hr (after foiled). 250-300 is fine.
I am in need of help! ASAP. My brisket had been on for over 2 hours at 230 to 270 and internal went from a steady 152 and now its down to 147.

What do I do
You are in the "normal" stall of the meat. This is when the good stuff is starting to happen, the fat and stuff are breaking down. If the color is good go ahead and foil.
The color and everything looks great. How long does the stall last? I am going on about a hour now. I was concerned because what I read was 1 hr 15 mind per lbs. Its been 3 and its only 2.5 lbs
It depends on a lot of cook dynamics, It won't last near as long in foil. Don't worry over temps after you foil, anything less than 350 will be fine. Check for tender after 45min to 1hr then every 15-20min until probe tender.
Thank you. What exactly is probe tender? I have never done brisket before so I am not sure what I am looking for.
When a pick or probe goes into the meat with little to no effort, like butter. Should of told you to feel before you foiled so you would know what tender "doesn't" feel like.

