First rib Smoke finish in oven?



New member
I just got an 18” Smokey mountain and want to try it for ribs in Easter Sunday at my sisters. I want to smoke some spare ribs at my house but run them across town to my sisters for diner. What’s the best method? Should I do the full smoke at home then reheat in the oven there? Or pull them 1 hour early to finish in her oven?

Thanks for the help.
Normally, you would smoke for a few hours for flavor, foil for a bit to tenderize, then cook at a higher temp out of the foil to get the texture right. Maybe figure out how you want to run that show so that you wind up at your sister's house when it's time to take em' out of the foil, then stick em' in a 400 to 425 oven with a little bbq sauce or sugarry rub and get a little char on em?

Usually when I'm making spare ribs, I plan on about 5 to 6 hours of cook time and at least 2 hours of that time in a tight foil wrap to make sure they're tender enough. Here are a couple of links to rib cooking recipes just in case and

Good luck! Hope you have a great easter!
My first suggestion was to remove them from the WSM after about 1.5-2 hrs in foil. Put the wrapped ribs in a cooler and finish them off in yours sisters oven.

However, you can't be certain that her oven will be available. What if she's already using it when you arrive?

So the easiest thing to do is finish them at home and place them in a foil container and transport them in a cooler. They should stay warm and they could be microwaved for a minute if necessary.

When restaurants cater ribs they arrive precooked and nobody complains. Yours will be better than the restaurant.

