First Restoration- Ran into a headache

I think we DO get it. The point is it's a few cents worth of solvent and a minute or 2 of time. The valve is frozen anyway. So for that scant amount of time and money why not give it a shot? Absolutely nothing to lose.
Yah, what if you accidentally spray that stuff in your eye? Then you lose an eye.

“You’ll shoot your eye out!”
You guys crack me up! Maybe it’s the second martini?!
Go work with some hot peppers and then realize it’s time to give up the rent on the beer, forget to wash hands twice BEFOREHAND, you’ll come back with tears no matter what!
Or wipe that tear before a third handwashing....
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So i tried the solvent, tried numerous ways of getting the screws out to no avail, the actual body was seized together, and regardless of how many times I tried, it wouldn't come undone, I even drilled the screws out and it still wouldn't open up. The previous owner left it out in the rain 24/7, brought it on camping trips, and never cleaned it. I wound up replacing the control valve from grillparts, and it's working great.

Thanks everyone for the help, it was a headache but this is one of the most rewarding experiences i've had. I will post pictures once I finish painting the newer head and get the wood slats stained!

Side question: I am looking for the push nut retainer for the weber emblem, but I forgot it at home. Does anyone know what size they are offhand?
I bought a bunch of those from the local True Value Hardware store. I just took an old one in and matched it up. I don't recall The size but I don't even use them any more. I just use a couple dabs of red RTV silicone to hold the emblem on. Any local hardware store should have replacements and they are not very expensive so unless someone chimes in with the exact size, I would just guess and maybe pick up two of a couple different sizes. Or, just pick up a tube of the red (high temp) RTV Silicone.
I brought the emblem with me to a local hardware store and used it to find the size. They were very cheap. However I don't remember what size I ended up with. Just bring the emblem in to the store. Ace hardware worked for me if you have that chain around.

