I used the smoke and spice recipe mr brown rub and have a question at the end about their cooking temp recommendations from their book
I’m going to give the quick bullet point version of my first pulled pork adventure for critiques and a question. Plus a pic of the end result! Thanks!
Woke up around 430 Sunday morning to put a 6 pound butt on it was about freezing temps at the time
Boiling water in the pan / full ring with a ¾ chimney on top
Got the butt on by 5
Temps got to 200 in 20 min (measured at the grate using maverick 732)
Put the vents to about 25% open and went back to bed
At 645 woke up to alarm on the maverick at 275 (grate level) found water almost boiled away in the pan
Added water
Got temps to about 230-250 (grate level)
Around 1pm added ¾ full chimney because my grate level stalled around 208 got nervous which is why I added.
At this point I popped my candy thermo in the top and it was reading about 30 degrees higher than the grate level (I understand this is normal and this is what I have a question about)
Took the butt off when it hit 190 and let it rest an hour about 11 hours total not including resting
Looked great … tasted great maybe a bit on the dryer side but great.
I understand the lid temps are going to measure higher at the lid since the S&S book recommends their smoking temps to be between 200 and 225 is that at grate level or lid level? I think maybe I was cooking at too high heat for most of the cook trying to get it at 225 – 250 at grate level which means 255 – 275 at lid level?
So for those that have used the Smoke and Spice book or anyone that can help me out for next time using the maverick at grate level does the book recipe telling me 200-225 mean at grate level temp?
Thanks again!
I’m going to give the quick bullet point version of my first pulled pork adventure for critiques and a question. Plus a pic of the end result! Thanks!
Woke up around 430 Sunday morning to put a 6 pound butt on it was about freezing temps at the time
Boiling water in the pan / full ring with a ¾ chimney on top
Got the butt on by 5
Temps got to 200 in 20 min (measured at the grate using maverick 732)
Put the vents to about 25% open and went back to bed
At 645 woke up to alarm on the maverick at 275 (grate level) found water almost boiled away in the pan
Added water
Got temps to about 230-250 (grate level)
Around 1pm added ¾ full chimney because my grate level stalled around 208 got nervous which is why I added.
At this point I popped my candy thermo in the top and it was reading about 30 degrees higher than the grate level (I understand this is normal and this is what I have a question about)
Took the butt off when it hit 190 and let it rest an hour about 11 hours total not including resting
Looked great … tasted great maybe a bit on the dryer side but great.
I understand the lid temps are going to measure higher at the lid since the S&S book recommends their smoking temps to be between 200 and 225 is that at grate level or lid level? I think maybe I was cooking at too high heat for most of the cook trying to get it at 225 – 250 at grate level which means 255 – 275 at lid level?
So for those that have used the Smoke and Spice book or anyone that can help me out for next time using the maverick at grate level does the book recipe telling me 200-225 mean at grate level temp?
Thanks again!