First pork butts


Kent Chambers

New member
I have 2 8lb pork butts that I put on the 18.5 WSM at 0600am. Hope they will be done at 6pm.
Foiled brinkman char pan, then filled w/ water. Both butts on top rack. Inserted Thermoworks probe into one butt plus have temp probe to monitor smoker. Full ring of KB. First time for butts so fingers crossed. =) I used Webers KC rub for one butt and my own rub for the other.
Kent, i smoked butt yesterday, on at 9am, off and foiled at 430pm and pulled two hours later.
I cooked at 250 - 275ºF the entire time. I ran to an enternal temp of 195-200ºF.

You'll be fine, good luck and have FUN!
and remember: NO PEEKING!
Butts have been on for nine hours. Didn't seem to stall at all. Butt temp has hung around 191 for bout 2 hrs. now. Checked different areas with Thermoworks mini instant probe and varies from 186 to 191. Smoker temp seemed to run a constant 265. I wait another hour then foil and let sit before I pull it?
I have cooked butts once so far and they came out amazing. Both were about 7 pounds and the cooked for almost 12 hours. Took them off at 195 and foiled them for an hour prior to pulling. Let us know how yours turn out!
Kent, you can foil at 190 if you like...
i usually like to let them sit for a while, at least 30 minutes, and as long as 4 hours (foiled, wrapped in a cooler covered with bath towels)
Post photos later if you can

