First overnight 7 lb pork shoulder



Just started to try my first overnighter, i placed the pork butt in at 530pm after getting temp up and tried some peach and apple chunks for the smoke.I took some pic so ill show tommorrow after its done, before/after lol. I hope im doing it as i seen here.MY temp is around 250 so far.Ill check during the next hour or so to make sure its holding. Any suggestion on if i should raise or lower temp. I fig. a 7 pounder should take maybe 10-12 hrs????I used my own made up receipe of diff herbs and spices. Very adventurious of me lol. Any more suggestions would be nice/Till later
Thanks for the help
That will work and it sounds like you have a sound plan. Enjoy the cook.

I'm putting on two 9 pounders at midnight for dinner at six. I'm planning on cooking these closer to 225 just to see if I can do it. I guess I also have to take some pictures.

I prefer the lower temp (like 250) for butts. I find that the longer lower temps do a better job rendering the fat out of the meat.

I put #2 8 pounders on at 9:30 tonight. The WSM has been holding at 230 for the last hour and half. The weather is perfect for smoking tonight - comfortable temperatures and no wind. I should be good to go for a late lunch tomorrow. I hope your first overnighter is a success also!
I hope i did thisright w/ pic .The first one shows when i put in the WSM , after reaching 250, placed in smoker w/ apple and peach chunks, started to smoke nicely.cooked over night about 12 hours, when i got up the temp was 150, and inside was 156 OH OH. i open vents fully till i got to 250 but i fig it might take too long to reach my 190 so mi placed the pork butt in my oven as you see i had a nice bark on it before i put in , cooked in oven till reached 190 and foiled . Looks good just letting it rest and will have at noon but looks pretty good lol now for the pic. there are 2
I put a 9 lber on Saturday night at 10:00 pm. Temp was holding steady at 220-230. When I woke up at 7:00 am the WSM was at 210 and the butt was at 200. I pulled it out right away and it sat until 5:00 pm dinner. Was a little mushy but still OK. Why did this one cook so quick?

PS: Has anyone tried smoking store bought Italian sausage links? I did some this weekend and they we awesome. Only took about an hour at 240.
Mike –
Anything is possible. I’ve read here a lot that no two PB cooks are alike. That does seems super fast, but I can tell you my first cook a few months back was similar. Started around 11PM, temps in the 230-240 range (WSM Lid therm). At 0800 my PB was in the 170’s and climbing. Two things – one, I learned later that my WSM lid therm is low by about 25-30 degrees, so I was cooking at higher heat than I realized. Secondly, I awoke at 0400 and went out to check on things – lid therm was around 310 (so I was cooking at 330+). In my case, it appears that my smoke wood caught fire and ignited more coals faster than you would get with the minion method – at the same time, my water pan was low. So temps shot up.

I’m doing another tonight…I’m sure there will something unique.

Good luck - Jim

