First Multi meat smoke next weekend



New member
Alright I have family coming into to town next weekend. I am smoking some baby backs and a brisket. I have done both seperately but not together. Are there any suggestions I should keep my eye out for or prepare for? I am planning the ribs on the top grate and the brisket on the bottom grate.

Any tips are greatly appreciated.
Though I've not done brisket and ribs, I have done pork butt and ribs (this past smoke day). I started the pork butt on the top rack and when it hit the stall I wrapped it and put it on the lower rack and started the ribs on the upper rack. I recommend planning the approx times carefully to hit the finish at about the same time. I plan butts and brisket for 2 hrs per lb and add 2 hours to the total. That gave me a finish time for the butt and I backed that up for a rib start time.
Hi Alan, your cook sounded like it would be an interesting challenge. How did you make out?
The smoke turned out well. My brisket finished up earlier then expected but I was prepared. I had a hard time keeping my temp down around 260-270 where I wanted. It wanted to stay closer to the 300 range. This ended up working out fine. I took the brisket off and closed off all vents for an hour or so before firing it back up for ribs. Before adding the ribs i lit a half chimney of charcoal and put 3 chunks of apricot wood in there. I also cut the point off and threw it back on the smoker for about 45 minutes. I cooked my brisket in a pan so I saved the drippings (I strained this and kept it simmering on the stove). Once I took the point off of the smoker i let it rest for 30 minutes and then cubed it. I placed the cubes in the pot of drippings and let it simmer for another 30 minutes. Right before serving the brisket I drizzled the drippings over it. The entire brisket came out perfect with a nice smoke ring. My family really liked the burnt ends.

My ribs also did very well. Since my brisket finished earlier then expected I could keep my focus on the ribs. They smoked for 2 hours with apple juice spritzing every 15 minutes after the first half hour. They were then placed in a foil tent with my mixture of peach preserves and honey & brown sugar sprinkled over them. To go back I did use a rub on my ribs consisting of Smoked sweet paprika, chili powder, cheyenne powder, onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper, & brown sugar. The ribs smoked in the foil for another hour. I took them off and then mopped with my sauce for another 45 minutes. They were a little over done to me but the fmaily loved them. I probably should have pulled them off about 10 minutes earlier.

All in all it was a successful smoke for the family. I need to learn my vents a little better to control the temp next time but thats a minor error that i will figure out. I will try to post a picture tonight.

