First disappointment with Costco's meat

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Randy Parr

TVWBB Super Fan
Picked up some BB's Saturday for my Son's homecoming dinner last night. I will qualify first that usually I have much more of a selection to choose from, only had 8-9 packages of which to choose 2...wasn't thrilled with any of them...they looked fatty...and was that a skirt I saw on one of the racks?
Started preparing them yesterday morning...yes there was a small skirt on two of the racks, thought about trimming it and decided to leave it alone. These racks seemed more like spares than BB's...more meat than I've seen on a BB, yet less meat than I've seen on spares...also alot more fat than I've ever seen on BB's...I checked the labels twice to ensure that I hadn't picked up spares...
They were not done in the normal 5 hours...I took them off at 6...could have left them on for 7. Very disappointing...the flavor was there but this was not the BB's I'm used to eating. Luckily, my son and his friends are used to Lloyd's so these were incredible by those standards...but the rest of us noticed the difference... /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif
Wondering if I should consider a second membership in Sam's so I have another source in case this happens again.
Has anyone else had this experience?
I haven't bought BB's at Costco, but just this weekend I bought 8 slabs of spares at Costco and they were perfect. Maybe it was just that day's selection. If this is the first time, I would give it another shot.

Sorry they didn't work out as well as you hoped for your son's homecoming (go Navy!) I have had only one or two instances where meats that I bought from CostCo were below the usual standards I expect in quality. Given the amount of meat I buy from them, they would have to mess up more often than that for me to go looking elsewhere. I can't comment on their loin backs as I only cook spares. The only downside to spares from Costco is that they are 4.5 and down slabs (at least at my Costco), so they are pretty big. Never had a quality problem with the spares.

Rich G.
Actually, I have had great luck with the spare ribs that I have bought from Costco. They have been amazing.

The only "problem" that I have had with them is that you sometimes get a "mini-slab" of spares that finish well before the normal sized spares.

My solution? I put them in the middle part of my rib racks on the top grate... They usually finish 1 to 1.5 hours early and get to be tasters.
When you say "skirt", I assume you mean on the back (bone) side of the slab? Never heard of that on a loin back rib, don't know if that's anatomically possible.

Maybe what you got were a couple of sparerib slabs cut down to baby back size?

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>When you say "skirt", I assume you mean on the back (bone) side of the slab? Never heard of that on a loin back rib, don't know if that's anatomically possible.

Maybe what you got were a couple of sparerib slabs cut down to baby back size?

I think you may be right, I kept checking the label to make sure I didn't pick up spares instead. I also have never seen a skirt on BB's, but don't know if it isn't impossible.
Does anyone out there know if it is possible for BB's to have a skirt?
I spoke to the meat manager at Costco today. He apologized for the mislabeling and offered to refund the difference between the BB's and spares.
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Billm:
[qb] the only meat i buy at Costco are thier ribs. The Swift brand babybacks and spares in the cryovac blow away Sams . I use Sams for the majority of my meat purchses but I buy my ribs exclusivly from Costco. There is no comparison. These Costco BB's took second place at the 20003 Rockford Ribfest

[img [/img] [/qb] <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Bill, your brisket is sliced along, instead of across, the grain. Is that a personal preference, or does it matter in competition?
Howard..actually those are pieces from the point.
We got 5th place with it. I didnt actually do the slicing so i dont know how Perry did it. ..against or with..hard to tell from the pic
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