First deal of the season

Hobe Sound

My wife would actually be jealous of that snow...As for me, I do get tired of the long, hot & humid summers, but I still like a lot of things about Florida, especially my sweet little town of Hobe Sound:




Alligators really don't worry me that much, although you do need to use prudence when you are near water. What DOES get me anxious is the imported monster-sized Pythons that are taking over:


Fortunately, they haven't reached to us here yet, but they are expanding their territory as they chomp through the wildlife in the Everglades:


Here on my little campground/residential community we only have a bobcat and a family of red foxes to deal with. Barbecue and grilling 12 months out of the year:).
Yah, I Have heard about the problem with Pythons down there. That is pretty scary. I have seen where they have hunting events for them and everything, but being as elusive as they are, they are not making much headway in curtailing their numbers. Having a huge food supply isn't helping either. I guess you guys have some kind of rat like critter and other wildlife that isn't real adept at avoiding the snakes.

