First day with the WSM From Chicago


Michael P.T.

New member
Hi all,

Looking forward to some spare ribs and pork butt today. Nice day to sit outside. Any first time blunders you could share with me would be much appreciated.
Welcome aboard Michael! Just relax and let your WSM do its miracles. Don't lift your lid to peak very often, it will make
your temperatures go screwy. And just remember it is done when it is done. Hopefully you have a meat thermometer
so you will know when it is ready. Don't rely on times.
I hear the Chicago WSMs never have a blunder. Cooks from Chicago on the other hand I'm not sure about. Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Welcome to the forums Michael! Like Bob C said, the WSM is blunder-proof, and Mike Coffman gave very good advice as well! THAT'S why we come here! You're gonna love it here!
Welcome to the forum , mike. The WSM is blunder resistant if not blunder proof. The only thing I ruined on them sofar was some beef ribs , and that was my own dumb fault for not payin attention! You do gotta pay attention.

