First Cook


Barry Fantle

New member
So i decided that the best time to experience my first cook with the WSM would be in 10 degree weather for the Superbowl. I bought a 4lb brisket flat from Costco and a 7lb bonless pork butt from there. the brisket took a lot longer than expected...probably 9 hours. it never did get to 190 which is where i wanted it. it ended up being a bit dry. i think next time i will use foil. the pork butt took close to 14hrs. i did not feel like refueling at one point so i ended up putting it in the over for the last 90minutes. it turned out pretty good. i will not buy boneless again and i think next time i will get a bigger brisket flat.
You might think about doing a whole brisket instead.

I've had very inconsistent results with small flats.

I've been doing packer cuts with the high heat (cook them in 4-5 hours) method with near perfect results every time.

Yesterday's 10 lb packer took about 4.5 hours cooked at 325-350 lid before resting. It was fabulous.
Hello from the East side of MD. If they have the twin bone in butt packs at your local Costco, they are great for pulled pork.
Caution -- check carefully at Costo. My Costco only sells boned butts, 2 per cryovac. They're quite good, but they are rather butchered (pun intended) in order to get the odd-shaped bone out. I usually tie them to make them more compact and cook more evenly and have had no problems. Others here do not bother to tie them, but it helps with the space when I'm smoking 4 really large butts at once. I do wish they were bone-in, however.

If you have a BJs near by give them a try. All my local ones only seem to carry twin packs with the bone still in.
Smoking is an art to get a great product it takes a long time at low temps.Good luck on your next cook
our Sam's club has bone-in pork. we will renew our membership there. i do not like dealing with the boneless. its a pain to have to tie them. plus its a nice feeling of satisfaction to pull out that bone.

i will try a whole brisket or at least a larger flat next time. i may also foil it once it gets 165.

