First cook on WSM


Levi M

TVWBB Super Fan
My WSM arrived late Friday, work Saturday, so today I got to try it out. What to cook first? Decided on a rack of Baby Backs and a rack of Beef ribs. I originally fired it up just to burn it out so after and hour I had to put something on it. Did the Minion Method with a coffee can and the temperature was up to 300* for quite awhile. I closed vents down and setteled in to 275*

I did the 2-2-1 method using Hickory, and a 1/4 cup of Apple Juice during the foiling stage. They turned out awesome, sorry no plated piks.

Ribs ready, BB's a little coat of mustard and my rub, Beef with olive oil, garlic, onion powder, kosher salt, blk pepper

On the WSM

on closer up

ready for foil

foil off

time for sauce

ready to eat

Dig in
Thx for the info and photos. Tomorrow I am doing my maiden voyage with my WSM. I am doing 5 racks of BB. I am little scared! It's my nephew 11 Birthday. In our family, the B-day person get to request their B-day dinner. Going into it blind, I guess!

