First cook in the rain


Charles H.

TVWBB Super Fan
Saturday started out cold (35), overcast, calm.
The plan was to cook a small pork shoulder roast and piggy back smoked pecans in the same cook when the pork was wrapped in foil.
The pork and pecans turned out great.
There was a brisket seasoned with SPOG waiting to go on when the pork and pecans were done.
There were only a few lit coals left over <10 and I put them in a small pile opposite the intake vent.
A new load of KBB (full fire ring) went in on top of them and oak chunks were distributed across the charcoal bed.
Brisket went on the cooker around 4:30.
It took a little longer than normal to come up to temperature but settled in at 270 with one intake open ~20%.
17:00 temp 190.
18:30 temp 235, meat 140.
19:40 temp 270, meat 149.
21:40 temp 270, meat 153.
00:45 temp 232, meat 158, it's raining, single intake opened ~50%
03:42 temp 220, meat 169, it's raining harder than before, single intake open 100%.
06:45 temp 212, meat 169, charcoal is depleted, almost 100% burn.
Removed brisket from WSM, put in foil tray, covered, put in oven @ 250 degrees.
06:55 meat temp 162.
07:05 meat 169.
07:30 meat 180, oven set to 225.
08:00 meat 190, probes tender in most of the flat but still a couple places it has not given up, oven set to 200.
Smells and feels like it's going to be a good one.
When it's sliced I will try to remember to add pics in the photo gallery.

