First Chuck Roll...Wow

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Doing my first attempt at a chuck roll today. It's a 21.72 pounder! IT'S HUGE! Got it on at 11:00am, hope it's ready to eat sometime tomorrow. Check my webpage for some pics.

Wayne, That's awsome. Your looking at about 24 hrs. Don't forget to flip it a couple of times. Keep us posted
I'll need a crane to flip that thing! Yeah, I figured on at least 24 hours, then a little rest time. Hopefully, a good evening meal. Now I have to plan some side dishes...hmmmm.

Wayne, Wait till you go to foil that side o beef.
Great pics. What rub are you using? I see you have the E-Temp Guru. That will make sleeping a little easier tonight.
I just mixed up some some rub loosely based on the Armadillo Willy's rub that Chris has in the Cooking Topics. I did not have all the ingredients, so I just used what I had and subbed some other stuff. It smelled good, so we'll see.
Yeah the E-Temp works well for me. I still find myself hanging out by the WSM, but I don't have to get up and check during the night.
Well, time to grab a cold one and a stogie.

Whew! Twenty seven and a half hours to hit 195 internal. That's a long cook! That rascal is resting in the cooler right now. Gonna eat in about 3 hours. Everybody come on over!

Wow that is a huge hunk of meat. I have never done a chuck roll, but I think I may be doing one soon. Nice pictures!
Got kinda busy trying to get a big Grub Down together, so I did not get pics until after we ate. Here is a pic of some of the leftovers. Looks alot like pulled pork, taste different though. Not bad, I will have to do another roll sometime. Maybe I'll ask for a smaller one next time. Boy, it sure did smell fantastic about twelve hours into the cook!!! Gotta love it!

It was nearly two "Half" pans leftover. We did hit it pretty hard at the table, five adults and four younguns. My tummy hurts!

I should have checked here earlier in the day - I could have helped you get rid of some of that beef. But then you wouldn't have had the photo of the leftovers. I had some of my own leftover ribs from yesterday - mighty good after a day of deck cleaning, yard work, etc.

That chuck roll was one impressive hunk of beef. (Did you happen to see Fred Flintstone in the checkout line?) I wonder how it would cook if you put it on the lower grate, in something akin to a rib rack that would hold it more or less vertical? Maybe after I get moved, I can try one (there will be many relatives to help me eat it).
Did you have any problems with the fat rendering? I did a 16 lb last week and it was very greasey. I foiled at 160 and pulled at 200. Good taste, tender but greasey. Based on the good results everyone else has gotton, I must of done something wrong. I'll have to try again.
There was plenty to go around! When Fred Flinstone comes by, we have Brontosaurus Burgers! (I was going to link to a picture but I've exceeded my allowed bandwidth with the chuck roll pics). I need to do some more ribs, it's been a while since the last time...hmmmm...guess I better start planning next weekends menu!

During the "rest" time in the cooler, the foil leaked. It seemed to have been a fair amount of grease. Although, I did not foil until the internal temp was approaching 170, after a very long time in the 160's. The end product was not greasy.

wow... I showed that hunk of meat to my oldest...her face looked like mine when i saw it..
DAM!....thats a BIG hunk of meat, n she freaked out on the cook time, I was like wow, that short? then I remembered its beef. Looks awesome man! Im gonna try one when I get some more meat under my belt. Can only smoke about once every 2 weeks. Keep up all the good work guys!
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