First Butt



New member
Looking for some guidance on my first pork butt. I will be serving about 15 people with pulled pork sandwiches. The butt is boneless and just over 9 lbs. I am thinking I need another 4 pounder or so, what do you guys think? Also I need it on Sunday at about 10:30. Being my first butt I dont want to do an overnight cook. I was planning on starting it early Saturday morning to be safe. What would be the best way to reheat it for Sunday morning? Going for the Renowned Mr Brown.

If they are hungry people than yes you need more. Reheat in the oven in a covered pan and stir it once in awhile so the meat on top doesn't dry out or in a crockpot if you have one big enough.
If they are hungry people than yes you need more. Reheat in the oven in a covered pan and stir it once in awhile so the meat on top doesn't dry out or in a crockpot if you have one big enough.

Great advice Bob. I want to add the following.....
Have fun and take pics for us if you can. 2 porks should be more than enough.
Just wondering: For this amount of meat (I'm looking to cook for a similar amount of people soon) did the crockpot option work fairly well? How long do you take to reheat the meat, if it's been refrigerated once already?
that's a lot of meat for a crockpot....figure a pound per person raw, >~.5# cooked per person, cooked (err to the high side).

15 people isn't that much so if you're a little late o'well, have another beer. Give yourself a little more time than you think you need.
Just wondering: For this amount of meat (I'm looking to cook for a similar amount of people soon) did the crockpot option work fairly well? How long do you take to reheat the meat, if it's been refrigerated once already?

It worked ok, not really any better option. I started the cook at about 6am and pulled it just after 7pm. I let it rest lightly tented for about 30 mins then pulled. Even though I had eaten a full meal an hour before pulling it I couldn't stop sampling it, it was awesome. They next day I tried to reheat it slowly, took about 45 mins on low with me stirring it. It had dried out a little so I would put it just below awesome at very damn good. It was a very easy cook, it was locked on my target temp for about 10 hours, then all I needed was to stir the coals once. Next time I will do it over night so it's ready to go when I need it. Oh and it didn't all fit in the croc pot but it didn't matter, there were a couple of Sally's that "don't like the texture in my mouth". Fine by me, more leftovers.
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A big roast pan or two with foil or a tight fitting lid in the oven at about 225 will accomplish the same thing.
Thought about that but felt the croc pot would allow me to stir it more often so it heated more evenly.
I use a method taught by Konrad Haskins that incorporates smoking a butt in a cooking pan. It cooks in it's own au jus and I serve and subsequently store it in the same pan. When it chills, the fat in the au jus solidifies but when it is time to re-heat, I throw the same pan in the oven at 225f and the au jus breaks back down and I serve again.

The au jus keeps the meat super tender. I have even frozen my left overs and re-heated with great results. My family actually prefers left over pulled pork to the freshly pulled. Something about the flavor profile when it has been sitting.

