First brisket in the WSM



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Wet aged a 14.5 lb brisket for a week. Then rubbed and marinated with Claude's brisket marinade.
I freezed the brisket for two days last week in the marinade(used a turkey bag) then thawed it and drained the marinade yesterday morning. Used Hickory wood for smoke.
The WSM ran at 260 degrees for the entire cook. I usually wrap mine in foil when internal temp reaches 150 but the brisket was at 205 when I checked after only -8- hours. This was the most tender,moist,juicy brisket I have ever done. I had to keep sharpening my knife because I could have pulled the entire brisket if I wanted to!! Outrageous!



Very nice looking brisket. I've been thinking about aginf a angus brisket. There is a bbq restaurant that does a 29 day aged cab, very tender, the best brisket I have had.
Very nicely done, Scott. The brisket looks incredible from here. Just curious, did you use water in the pan? So do you think that the Claude's marinade might've some how made the brisket cook quicker? Never tried a marinade before, but you can't argue with results.
Interesting technique with the freezing in marinade...never heard of that one. Looks like it worked well! Nice job.
I did have water in the pan. The last time I did a brisket,I didn't have the WSM. I had a big off-set and had to wake up super early to get it fired up. I over-slept,got mad and put the brisket in the freezer so I could do it the next weekend. I only freezed the brisket for 3 days then refrigerator thawed it for the weekend cook. It was real tender, so I thought I would do it again with this cook.
I think wet ageing along with the marinade combined with the WSM gave me these results.
The Claudes marinade didn't over-power the brisket at all. It had a nice beefy smokey flavor.
I like to get my briskets from Smart and Final because I found out earlier this year that most of the red meat that they sell is from Harris Ranch here in California......sweet!!
Thanks for the details, Scott. If we change more than one aspect of how we cook it's a little harder to figure out exactly why something comes out so good...or bad. Sometimes though it's just the right combination of factors. Whatever, it's really cool when the 'Q comes out JUST RIGHT, isn't it?! By the way, some folks say that freezing briskets makes them a little more tender. I have no idea if there's any truth to it or not, but I've got one in the freezer right now.

