First Boston Butts with PICS!



My first Boston Butts were a success! I have my full ring setup with apple wood (all I had) and Kingsford Blue. 2 6lbs butts from Sam's Club.

Light rub with garlic power, onion powder, smoked paprika, white pepper and turbinado sugar. 2 Tablespoons of each.

Cooked from 2:30am and pulled off at 11:15am. Double wrapped in heavy foil, wrapped in towels and into a cooler until 4pm. Sat for about 5 hours. Still piping hot when I pulled them. The bone pulled out with no resistance just using my fingers and the meat pulled apart beautifully.

Man, life is good!




For the record, I didn't use any water in my WSM. I see a new thread on this very topic.

Do most of you use water when smoking butts? I think next time I'll try that to keep down the temps.
Good job Jeff. You got it right. I have stopped using water when I smoke butts and I'm learning to control the temp with that setup. One thing I like about not using water on long cooks is that I don't have to worry about running out of water. In time you'll decide what works best for you and you get to eat the meat you practice with.
Great looking bark.
I still use water. I can't break the habit. I know most here don't bother with water, but I still like the moist cooker.. I tell myself it helps keep the food moist.
The bark tasted amazing! The bone pulled out clean and the meat pulled apart as expected.

I loved the flavors but on my next smoke, I think I may use a bit of salt and may try an injection just to see what difference that might make. I also may try it with water in the bowl on the next smoke.

The meat was really moist and still quite hot when I pulled it even though it had been sitting in my cooler for 5 hours wrapped and toweled. We had friends coming over to eat but that was 2 hours away, so I put it in ziploc bags and in the fridge. Reheated it in the microwave for 2 minutes and the fatty parts were really moist and tender. Some of the less fatty parts were a bit drier and not as tender but still had good flavor.

One of the best things about this first smoke it that I now have a bit more confidence in myself! That's golden.

