First Annual Galena Park Brisket Cook Off



Some friends and I got together a while back and decided to hold a friendly brisket cook off. We had three people compete and 35 or so people show up to eat and participate as judges. Here is my brisket cook in photos!

My wood selection. This oak came from some of my families property in New Ulm, TX. New Ulm is in the south central area of the state. I removed the bark.

Here is my brisket. It was about 12 lbs before trimming. Seasoned with a 50/50 blend of salt and pepper. Because I couldnt help myself I also added a bit of granulated garlic at the last second before holding in the refrigerator.

At about 3:30am I headed outside to the cooker and got the coals going, once I got it up to temp I brought the brisked out.

Here is the brisket loaded onto the cooker. I had to wedge it between the handles of the 10.5 wsm.

Here is what the temp looked like before heading back to bed. I'll let my briskets cook anywhere between 250 and 275. Its sort of a large window, but I've never had any issue with turning out great briskets. It lets me sleep easy... =)

When I woke up at about 8:30 the brisket was just about 165 but I didn't feel like the bark was dark enough so I raised the temp a bit and brought the brisket up to about 175. Here it is at about 165.

Here is my pal Harry waiting on the brisket to finish up.

After the brisket made it to 175 I liked the color of the bark so I wrapped it in pink butcher paper (if any of you Houston area fells would like to know where to get pink butcher paper local, let me know and I'll share), added a little cider vinegar, worcestershire sauce and about an ounce of Makers Mark, and then put it back on the cooker. Then I brought the briskets internal temp up to 195. Sorry, I didn't get a shot of it wrapped up while on the cooker.

After it came up to 195 I removed it from the cooker and let it rest outside of the cooler until the temp rose to about 205 and then came back down to about 195. Then I tucked it away in the cooler.

I think my watermelon is just about ready to slice... what do you think?

About 3 hours later it was close to time to head over to my friends place for the competition (we didn't require everyone being together to cook) I pulled the brisket out of the cooler and got ready to slice. Check out the bark!!

Unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures of a slice... Oh well.

I've ran out of room! See the next message for the rest of my post.
And the rest...

Here is a shot of each of the three briskets that were competing. Mine is on the far right.

Here is a shot of my tasting plate. Again, my brisket is on the right.

Here are my friends and I waiting on the results to be read. I'm the fella on the left. My long board leaning against the house. Tons of fun to ride!

And the winner is....

All three briskets had great taste... the other two just didn't tender up they way they planned.

My next cookout?

Thats right! Crawfish boil! I was in HEB a while back on a Sunday night and witnessed a phenomenon. Apparently the seafood market blows out the remaining crawfish from the weekend for $10 per sack! This sack weighs 34lbs. The regular price would have been about $83. Can't beat that deal! I've made it a habbit to call HEB each Sunday evening to check on their crawfish situation. This will be my 2nd time taking advantage of the crawfish blowout.

Anyhow, I hope you've enjoyed the post! Have a blessed week!
Complimenti! Your brisket looks soo good! Did it raise 10F for carrying over? Did you usually look for carry over to reach your final IT? Or what?
Complimenti! Your brisket looks soo good! Did it raise 10F for carrying over? Did you usually look for carry over to reach your final IT? Or what?

Yea, I planned on it going up about 10 degrees once I removed it from the cooker. I'm glad you like its appearance!
I figure if I start driving now I can be at your place around Friday. Save me some! Michael that looks like a lot of fun and some delicious brisket. Best wishes to you.
Wow, great looking food for what had to be a great time. I need to find out how to get crawfish up here in Jersey.

