First 14.5 Smoke question


David W

TVWBB Member
Im doing my first smoke today in my new 14.5. Spare ribs. My question is, can I put about 35 unlit in the ring (small chimney full) and then dump another small chimney full of lit on top? Im using thewater pan with foil on the inside. Also 2 pces of peach and two pieces of apple wood. I just lay the wood on top of the lit coals? Dont light it with the charcoal? Thanks. Imthinking of splitting the difference between the weber method and minion method. Thanks for any advice. Ill post pics as I go.
You'll find others have their own technique and soon you'll develop yours. Here's mine: If using briquettes, I fill the ring level then remove about 1/3 to 1/2 a small chimney's worth and light it (I don't count - it's just cookin). Once fully lit, i pour it back on the unlit. I assemble the cooker and wait until the fire burns clean to add food or wood. I add wood one piece at a time thru the door. For ribs I use two pieces because my gang doesn't like too much smoke (aka the ashtray effect).

Most important: have fun and be patient.
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I use and prefer the Tin Can Minion Method with my Mini, my 14.5, and my 18.5. In the Mini and the 14.5 I use 10 lit briquettes in the can. In the 18.5 I use a few more (12-14). I like the way the burn evenly burns out. I place my wood around the top of the tine can embedded in the unlit. I put the meat on as the heat is on the way up (generally after the heat hits 200 degrees). I do ribs and pork butts at 275 degrees. Chicken I do high heat (325-350 degrees).

Thursday I used two rib racks (Brinkman) and did six half racks of ribs (Costco Loin Backs). I had a few friends over and the ribs were a big hit.

As a matter of interest, Costco's Loin Back ribs are meatier than any so called Baby Backs or Loin Backs I have seen elsewhere. They are truly premium in quality and have become my personal standard.

Keep on smokin',

P.S. Since I got my Mini and my 14.5, I have hardly used my 18.5 even though it's a great smoker. My smaller needs are just served well with the smaller smokers. rdm
Thanks guys. First the food news: The smoker ran pretty consistently around 250 for 7 hours before i exringuished the coals. It probably would have run for at least 8 maybe 9 hours.

The bad news is I made 2 major rookie mistakes. I got excited and put the ribs on too soon. It was at 250, but the smoke was still white. If I had waited awhile that would not have been a problem.

The other mistake I made was overcooking. I read all over 5-6 hours for st louis cut spares. However, I realized that was for 225 not 250. so I ended up with over smoked dryish ribs by overcooking at least an hour as i left them on for 5. I should have pulled them at 4 hours.

Live and learn...I never screw up with my performers, but this was my first run with a WSM.

Another plus is that at least she's seasoned. LOL
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