Finally bought one.....


Dave Frimml

New member
after 6 months of lurking on this site... i finally made the plunge today and bought a 18 1/2" WSM. I've missed two on CL within an hour of each. My family is absotlutely hooked on "real" BBQ now with my OTG and broke down and bought one.

Smoking pork butts tomorrow for my sister in laws birthday. Will post pics..... i am SO excited. Finally!
Welcome and congrats Dave!

"Location: Close to where the best beer in the world is brewed"

Always glad to welcome a fellow St Louis area member, Schlafly beer is some fine stuff!

Edit to add,
Ah, now your avatar shows up

live a little south of STL.... beer is good anywhere i am
. Loves me some Schlaflys too. where you at?

just got the thing together and he's beautiful. 4 pork butts are going on it tomorrow.

Mike, been to brussels a few times actually... went to a place in Liege that had 300 beers on tap! every beer you order there they bring a its own glass. Meca of all beer.

thanks to everyone on this site for great info! Glad i finally joined.

if you can speak a little French it goes a LONG way but most in any shop or restaurant speak some "anglais". I took three years at Mizzou and can read some and understand less when spoken.
I live on the outskirts of the Jewel of Jeffco,
Hope you spotted that pork butts are $1.19/lb at Schnucks this week.

Good luck with your cook!
wow..... was unreal how easy it was to regulate the temp. Much easier on my WSM than my 22.5" kettle. We cooked three porkbutts and they all turned out great. EVERYONE raved about the "Q". Smoked a couple packs of Brats and they were awesome too

Again.. thanks to ALL

