Finally, a well-restored Weber for sale in Florida

So, if you would swap in a 13 bar deep cook box and a Genesis 1000 manifold, Genesis 1000 burners it should all work OK??? Is that a correct statement?

If so, I am sure you can find a used Genesis 1000 manifold fairly easily. Then on Strike #3, you say the cart for the deep cook box's are all rusted. I thought the idea was to take the deep cook box out of the original cart and put it into the Platinum cart/frame?

I do agree that the 5 bar cook box was a cost cutting measure.

Yes, that is a correct statement.

Here is a pic (not the best one) that shows the firebox mounted to the frame as you can see the bottom bars and the notches for the top ones.


Here's a pic of my Platinum with the deep firebox...


I'll try to take a better pic later today and post it.
Horace, I hope to see more threads and photos of your grill rehabs in the future.

Sam: That is a nice set up for sure...especially with the deep fire box.
Horace welcome to the forum. Nice job for the grill restore. 👍🏻I think you will enjoy this place. Great quality pictures by the way 😁
Try some steel wool 000 or 0000 to clean the porcelain lid.

Thank you, working on a 2017 weber spirit today. Will try that.
Use a good cleaner with the steel wool on the lid. Many use Simple Green. On the inside, single edge razor blades take off the carbon quick and easy compared to just scrubbing.
Welcome Horace!

Great looking job on that Platinum. I'd like to have one of those.

I've driven through Niceville a few times on my way to the beach.


