Fantasy Football Draft Day - Pulled Pork & Coleslaw


Rob C

TVWBB Member
Hey guys... Its been a little while since its so damn hot here in the desert, going outside to cook just isn't as fun. I have been playing fantasy football with a group of guys for about 6 years and every year I prepare pulled pork for these clowns. This year, I think I am doing the largest pork shoulder I have cooked. Really, I dont know I have done so many... But only doing only one big one each year I cant really remember, and they always seem big.

I've been using this gas smoker for years and its great. I really want to get a WSM at some point, but for now this does the job.

11.5Lb shoulder rubbed down with McCormicks applewood rub. Stubbs original is the sauce I will be providing along with some buns and a "KFC style" coleslaw.

Went on yesterday about 4PM. Hit it hard with smoke until about 160 degrees at which point I foiled. Its at about 193 degrees now and I plan to pull it a bit over 200 and let it sit for a few hours. No water, maintaining about 225 degrees +/- 5 degrees. These photos are all from yesterday off my iPhone but Ill try and snap some today with the good camera.





OK! So thanks everyone it came out great. To be honest the cole slaw was absolutely fantastic. The pork was good, but by the third hour after pulling it was dry... I don't know if this is a result of the cook or just sitting out but I don't remember this being the case in past cooks. I guess I don't normally cook this much pork and leave it out this long as I normally have some female help around cleaning or keeping me on task... :P

But, wow. Some of this pork on a bun with some Stubbs and this slaw is absolutely fantastic. I brought the 11.5lbs pork, slaw from 2 cabbages, buns, and Stubbs sauce - Probably cost $25 to feed over a dozen people (dropped food off on the way to the draft to a few friends as well) and I am certain there was plenty that went to waste (we wont think about that much, ok?).

After sitting an hour

And pulling!
OH! And Bob, NO!!!! I was SOOOO wet! I imagine you and Tony are soaking as well.... Looks like an other couple days of this might be possible....
OH! And Bob, NO!!!! I was SOOOO wet! I imagine you and Tony are soaking as well.... Looks like an other couple days of this might be possible....

It's been quiet over here. No wet weather at all. I live 2 blocks from Cal State University so I'm next to the mountains. My sister in law that lives salton city had problems with flooding and the 86 being closed.

Nice job on pulled got a nice bark.

